In The Midst Of A Storm, There's Something More!

Written by Richard Vegas

Have you truly tried and still failed? Have you pushed on a piece of string so long that you think Methuselah would be proud of you? Have you held your temper so long that you feel you're about to blow a gasket? Well….., this is your lucky day. Sit back, grab some coffee, Yuk, and go where failures fear to tread.

Something More!

I don't like coffee, that's why I said Yuk. Maybe you failed because there was something more that was needed before you could findrepparttar success you were seeking.

Have you ever heardrepparttar 123679 analogy that, "the whole is greater thanrepparttar 123680 sum of its parts"? This is true with every achievement, task, or result. Onrepparttar 123681 other side, every part must be smaller thanrepparttar 123682 whole. So, it's very important that you consider allrepparttar 123683 parts to completerepparttar 123684 whole.

A negative attitude is one cause of failure. It is not in every case, but if a nasty situation just seemed to refuse to get out of my way that would be one thing I would look for.

I know what I need… ESP!

A cause of failure could be ignorance of facts orrepparttar 123685 powers available to create success. A cause of failure could be that you knowrepparttar 123686 facts, and fail to apply them to a given situation. Another cause is, you may not know how to use or controlrepparttar 123687 powers available known and unknown to you.

Have you ever heard this? "That only persistence is omnipotent". When you pursue success and winning with a positive frame of mind, you keep on trying. There is no room for stopping. You leave yourself no bridges to go back to.

Seek and you shall find!

Someone said; that's too dangerous. I would be foolish to leave myself no escape hatch. Life never leaves us with no way out. It's only a perception in your own mind; in your own thinking. I don't care how badrepparttar 123688 situation is, there is always a way out. LOOK FOR IT!

Every time someone says there is no way out, here's what's happening. They are allowing a negative attitude to convince them to just lie down and take whatever is coming their way. They tell themselves there is no way out. So, they don't look for one.

Evictrepparttar 123689 demon within?

You may have 9 pieces ofrepparttar 123690 whole in place and all you need is one more to achieve success, but, if you don't stop listening to that stinking voice inside your head, you won't find that final piece that makes uprepparttar 123691 whole.

Perhaps there are some problems in your life you would like to solve. You will be able to much easier if you stop listening to that little voice inside your head when it says things to you like; "dummy, what you gonna do now"?

The Truth Will Set You Free!

Here are some examples of just how simple this can be. There was a song writer who could not get his song published. He sold it to another song writer and that guy addedrepparttar 123692 "something more" that it needed. He added 3 little words, Hip, Hip, Hooray! It became a big hit. He completedrepparttar 123693 whole.

There was another guy who tried ten thousand experiments before he could get his invention to work. After every attempt he said, "I didn't fail, I just found another way it wouldn't work". Whenrepparttar 123694 last unknown part became known to him, it would changerepparttar 123695 course of our country.


Written by Peter Sinclair

Whenrepparttar Wright brothers pronounced that they would be repparttar 123678 first humans to fly, many people said that humans could and would never fly.

"This time, they carriedrepparttar 123679 glider almost torepparttar 123680 top of Big Kill Devil Hill.

'Ready?' asked Orville.

'Ready,' replied Wilbur from his prone position.

Safely inrepparttar 123681 air, Wilbur warpedrepparttar 123682 wings. There was an instant response and Wilbur glowed with joy. But as repparttar 123683 glider curved, he became aware of a new instability. He adjustedrepparttar 123684 controls, There was little response. True, repparttar 123685 glider turned. Still - although puzzled, he managed a safe landing.

On his fifth flight that day, Wilbur became aware of increased instability. Thenrepparttar 123686 left wing dipped far too deeply. Frantically he pushedrepparttar 123687 elevator control. He was too late. The tip of repparttar 123688 wing bit intorepparttar 123689 sand and he was hurled forward against repparttar 123690 canvas elevator.

The birds all knewrepparttar 123691 secret of turning while in flight. But their secret was so deep no one could solve it. People said it was impossible for a heavier-than-air machine to fly. But Wilbur and Orville determined to showrepparttar 123692 world that it could and would be done."

All of us are faced with impossible situations, from time to time throughout our lives. Butrepparttar 123693 incredible thing is that withinrepparttar 123694 word 'impossible' is found another word 'possible'.

The more you explore impossible situations you are going to discover some possible solutions that will help you to ride through, over, under or around whatever is standing between you in your present impossible situation and take you torepparttar 123695 land ofrepparttar 123696 possible.

Here are four sure-fire ways to help you to turn each and every impossibility you face into a possibility.


Beforerepparttar 123697 Wright brothers ever achievedrepparttar 123698 impossibility of flying, many a life was lost by those who sought to fly. In 1896 it is recorded that inrepparttar 123699 August of that year, Otto Lilienthal,repparttar 123700 German glider enthusiast was killed during a glide.

However, whenrepparttar 123701 two brothers sought a place to experiment, they knew that they were going to fail and so found a very safe piece of ground to fail on. They didn't jump off bridges or cliffs. They found a large flat piece of ground with a good strong wind, and practiced failing untilrepparttar 123702 day that they could fly. The place was Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

Because they took risks wisely, they were able to changerepparttar 123703 world forever.

I recently had a discussion with a successful property investor His advice was that before you ever pursue any venture, first have your exit strategy in place.

Calculaterepparttar 123704 risk and ensure, that even if failure occurs, that you will be around to pick yourself up, brush yourself off and push on once again towards success.





Learnrepparttar 123705 language ofrepparttar 123706 achiever andrepparttar 123707 winner. Removerepparttar 123708 words, 'I can't afford it' or 'I can't do that', 'that's impossible' or 'it's never been done before' out of your vocabulary.

By constantly thinking 'outside ofrepparttar 123709 box', you will be setting yourself up for a rich and prosperous life.


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