In The Beginning

Written by Hal Archer

This is not a history lesson!

Inrepparttar beginning, humans were free to roam and live as they wished. Of course, there were risks and they had to be very self sufficient. They hunted for their food and for hides and pelts to keep them warm and protected fromrepparttar 123752 elements. They were free, but sometimes asrepparttar 123753 hunter they becamerepparttar 123754 hunted. Quite often they became victims ofrepparttar 123755 very beasts they hunted. Another danger was other humans that would attack them and take awayrepparttar 123756 bounty they had hunted so hard for. But they were free.

As time passed some ofrepparttar 123757 stronger and more aggressive drew to them others and formed a tribe or small army. They then becamerepparttar 123758 protectors ofrepparttar 123759 weaker and less aggressive. But,it was at a price. They laid down rules, formed territories, and toldrepparttar 123760 people under them where they could hunt. Whenrepparttar 123761 day ended,repparttar 123762 hunter would now bring his bounty torepparttar 123763 leader, who would takerepparttar 123764 largest portion and give back torepparttar 123765 hunter his share. The hunter's share was much smaller thanrepparttar 123766 share kept byrepparttar 123767 leader. This, of course, was sorepparttar 123768 hunter could feel safe and secure. But, now he was no longer free.

As human-kind progressed, they learned to tillrepparttar 123769 land, grow crops and tame beasts into herds. The tribal leaders now became huge landowners and usedrepparttar 123770 masses or serfs to workrepparttar 123771 land and tendrepparttar 123772 herds. The masses received a place of shelter and a small share ofrepparttar 123773 crops as well as things produced byrepparttar 123774 herds. They were safe and protected, but they were not free.

The agricultural age moved on intorepparttar 123775 industrial age. Many inventions came into being, making human life easier and better. Huge factories were built to producerepparttar 123776 products ofrepparttar 123777 inventions. The masses were employed onrepparttar 123778 production lines. They were given health and retirement benefits. They lived better. They were more secure. But they were not free!

How to Achieve Big Goals in Little Ways (i-mail article)

Written by Doug C. Grant

"And just when do you plan to begin?"

I received this i-mail right inrepparttar middle of a great TV show. During a commercial break some guy with washboard abs came onrepparttar 123751 screen trying to sell me an expensive piece of exercise equipment. I suppose that's what triggeredrepparttar 123752 i-mail.

I attempted to ignorerepparttar 123753 intrusion but this never works. i-mail is like e-mail except it doesn't come with a delete button. It's sent internally.

As much as I wanted to continue watchingrepparttar 123754 show, I knew I had to answer. "Okay...just what is it that I'm supposed to begin?"

"Getting your body in shape. Remember that promise you made to all of us down here? You were definitely going to get serious about exercising. We've been looking forward to that. You don't know what it's like living inrepparttar 123755 middle of all this flab. Nothing down here really works with any zing."

"Hey...I thought you understood. I can't just rush into something like this. Getting back into shape is a huge goal. It takes planning. Findingrepparttar 123756 right exercises. Scheduling time."

"In other words, you have no intention of starting."

"Whoa. Now you're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say that. You simply don't appreciate what a commitment I'm making."

From somewhere below came a loud snort. "Commitment! I don't think it's even a hazy wish."

"So what do you want? A five mile run every morning?"

"No...but a walk aroundrepparttar 123757 block might be least to begin with."

"Big deal. What's that supposed to accomplish except ten minutes of waving at people and trying to avoidrepparttar 123758 Johnson's dog."

"It's called momentum, my friend. That's a wonderful thing when you're going after a big goal. And believe me, getting things in shape down here is a big, big goal."

"I still don't understand how a walk aroundrepparttar 123759 block is going to accomplish anything."

"Turn offrepparttar 123760 television and I'll explain."

I did so with reluctance. Not that it probably mattered. I noticed somebody had just been killed and I didn't even recognizerepparttar 123761 character. Which meant I was a few miles behind onrepparttar 123762 plot.

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