In Mortal Danger: major cities targeted?

Written by David Ben-Ariel

Will Providence permit foreign murderers in our midst (in attitude, if not yet in action) to unleash nuclear fires within our major cities? If our beloved nation has refused to remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities (and forswear foreign religious ways and hollow days of pagan origin God's Word condemns) and sustain a healthy interest inrepparttar spiritual and return torepparttar 150996 God ofrepparttar 150997 Bible, aren't we only reaping more of what we've sown and suffering CAUSE AND EFFECT,repparttar 150998 dire consequences of our national sins? (Dan. 9:11).

Willrepparttar 150999 Great God of history and all creation let us continue to get knocked down and around until Europe deals usrepparttar 151000 death blow? Are we headed forrepparttar 151001 disasters of food and water shortages, race riots, terrorist sleeper cells activated, supernatural weather and plagues of biblical proportion until we suffer NATIONAL DEFEAT AND DEPORTATION?

Will we save ourselves and our loved ones fromrepparttar 151002 savage state of near extinction, hear and heedrepparttar 151003 warnings of imminent famine, destruction and houses left desolate? (2 Chron. 7:14). Or will we demand divine intervention after three and a half years of "hell" before Heaven is established on Earth?

My wake-up call: Heat up or else...

Written by Chris van der Walt

I grew up in a very religious household. That is, if you consider going to church twice every Sunday, starting each normal day with prayer and a reading, saying grace before every meal, avoiding bad things and situations, etc. as being very religious. Growing up, we were always taught to "turnrepparttar other cheek", "followrepparttar 150995 path ofrepparttar 150996 least resistance", "do unto others..." - I think you catch my drift. At church we always sangrepparttar 150997 same old hymns, averting our eyes, not smiling or looking around, basically just being good Christians - or so we thought.

While these principles were all very good, I think they missedrepparttar 150998 point completely. The idea was maybe to make good examples out of us, which was not in itself a bad idea, and part of our task as Christians. But recently I started seriously pondering whether these things don't maybe put us intorepparttar 150999 "lukewarm" category? Safe in our comfort zones, maybe?

It is often amazing how overjoyed I can become over my sports team when they do well onrepparttar 151000 field, but whenrepparttar 151001 moment comes to praise God for giving his Son to die for my sins (a much bigger reason for joy) I prefer to keep it to myself. Or how passionately I talk about my current favorite topic, but when it comes to spreading God's word (which is why we're here on earth, people!), I am at a loss for words. It is so easy to rather avoidrepparttar 151002 topic altogether forrepparttar 151003 sake of not offending friends or colleagues or avoiding humiliation. But let's rememberrepparttar 151004 ultimate humility and suffering Jesus faced when being ridiculed while hanging onrepparttar 151005 cross. And what for? So that you and I may be free from sin. Not for his own gain, but for ours. Is it then too much to ask to speak out when necessary and stop denying Him? One moment of humiliation in exchange forrepparttar 151006 possibility that one soul might have Eternal Life?

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