Improve Your Marketing Results With These Simple Steps

Written by Debbie LaChusa

What if there were things you could start doing now that could help you to market more successfully inrepparttar future? Even if you didn’t have your marketing act quite together overrepparttar 146848 past year? Well, there are. Review your past marketing results

Take some time to review all of your marketing activities and try to understand which ones worked best. And when I say “worked best” I mean, which ones resulted in more clients, more customers, more sales, or more growth for your business?

Your goal each year should be to understand which marketing activities bring you more business and which ones do not, so you can concentrate onrepparttar 146849 activities that work, and deleterepparttar 146850 ones that do not. Even if you did not have an organized marketing plan, or marketing activities that you implemented consistently duringrepparttar 146851 past year, if you are still in business today, then there must have been some form of marketing going on.

Marketing isn’t only things like running an advertisement, or sending out a direct mail piece. (See “Is That Really Considered Marketing?” below to better understand allrepparttar 146852 different forms that marketing can take. You may be surprised to realize you’ve been marketing more than you know!)

Direct vs. Indirect Tracking

Take a look at what you did do. Can you directly or indirectly track any new or increased business to these activities? An example of direct tracking might be: You attended a networking event and someone you gave your business card to, contacted you or made a purchase.

An example of indirect tracking might be: You attended a networking event, and someone you gave your business card to, referred you to a friend, and that friend contacted you or made a purchase. For each marketing activity you did overrepparttar 146853 past year, ask yourselfrepparttar 146854 following questions:

1. Did I get any new clients, customers or increased sales as a direct result, or an indirect result, of this activity?

2. Ifrepparttar 146855 answer is yes, quantifyrepparttar 146856 result by asking yourself: How many new clients, customers or sales did it generate?

Atrepparttar 146857 end of this exercise, you will have a list of all of your marketing activities, andrepparttar 146858 results connected to each one. Which activities brought yourepparttar 146859 most business? Are there any activities on your list that did not result in new or additional business?

Marketing A Misunderstood or Scary Product or Service

Written by Debbie LaChusa

What do you do if your business, product or service is something hardly anyone is aware of or understands? Or worse yet, if it is something they are afraid of or want to avoid?

My answer is three-fold.

First, focus onrepparttar SOLUTION you are providing

What isrepparttar 146847 primary problem your prospects have that you can solve? Do they have pain you can relieve? Do they have an ailment or affliction you can cure? In these cases, you are not selling your "scary" or "misunderstood" product or service, you are selling pain relief or healing.

It is imperative you look at what you are selling from your prospects' perspective and talk about it terms of a solution for them.

Second, understand your competitive advantage

You must understand how what you sell stacks up againstrepparttar 146848 other options your prospects have. Is it superior? Dorepparttar 146849 effects last longer? Is it safer? Is it cheaper? The list of questions could go on forever.

Inrepparttar 146850 end, you must be able to clearly communicate to your prospects how you can help them in a way no one or nothing else can. This makes your "scary" or "misunderstood" product or servicerepparttar 146851 only logical alternative for them and will help to overcome any obstacles or fear they may have. It simply becomes THE best solution forrepparttar 146852 problemrepparttar 146853 have.

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