Important Information For Condo Buyers

Written by Sheldon Salnick

Here is a step by step guide for buyers looking to buy a condo in any area. These are important tactics to make a solid and accurate judgment onrepparttar property you're looking to purchase.

- When purchasing a condominium make sure that you ask forrepparttar 103621 last three to six months ofrepparttar 103622 condominium minutes. This information will provide you with a lot of insight into what is happening inrepparttar 103623 building.

- Obtain a copy ofrepparttar 103624 Declaration,repparttar 103625 bylaws, and any rules and regulations fromrepparttar 103626 Condo Association.

- To make sure you are buying into a financially sound building, it is also advisable to find out ifrepparttar 103627 building has any outstanding loans with a bank. Some buildings may take out loans instead of doing a special assessment as a way of doing major work such as new elevators orrepparttar 103628 exterior facade ofrepparttar 103629 building.

- Make sure you obtain a statement fromrepparttar 103630 Condo Association of any capital expenditures anticipated byrepparttar 103631 Board withinrepparttar 103632 current or succeeding two fiscal years.

- Find out fromrepparttar 103633 Condo Association if there are any pending suits or judgments in whichrepparttar 103634 Board is a party.

Successfully Meeting And Greeting - Ten Strategies For Getting Off To A Good Start

Written by Lydia Ramsey

A day inrepparttar life of every businessperson is made up of a series of meetings and greetings. Whether you are makingrepparttar 103620 initial contact with a client or a colleague, you want to get off onrepparttar 103621 right foot. Doing so will makerepparttar 103622 first encounter and subsequent ones go smoothly and easily. Getting off onrepparttar 103623 wrong foot can make for a difficult recovery. Save your energy for later and use these simple strategies for a successful start.

1. Stand up when you meet someone. This allows you to engagerepparttar 103624 person on an equal level -eye to eye. By remaining seated, you send a message that you don't thinkrepparttar 103625 other person is important enough to warrantrepparttar 103626 effort it takes to stand. If you find yourself in a position where you can't stand up (such as being trapped behind a potted plant) offer an apology and an explanation. You might say something like, "Please excuse me for not getting up. I can't seem to get aroundrepparttar 103627 foliage."

2. Smile. Your facial expression says more than your words. Look as if you are pleased to meetrepparttar 103628 other person regardless of what is on your mind. Put a smile on your face forrepparttar 103629 person standing before you.

3. Make eye contact. Looking atrepparttar 103630 people you meet says you are focused and interested in them. If you are staring off somewhere else, you may appear to be looking for someone more to your liking to come along.

4. Introduce yourself immediately. As soon as you approach people you don't know or are approached by them, say who you are. Don't stand around as if someone else is in charge of introductions.

5. Include a statement about who you are when necessary. It is not always enough to say, "Hello, I'm Mary Jones." Give more information. "Hello, I'm Mary Jones. I work for XYZ Corporation."

6. Offer a firm handshake. Extend your hand as you give your greeting. The person who puts a hand out first comes across as confident and at ease. Make sure that this physical part of your greeting is professional. Don't offer bone-crushing grips or wimpy limp-wristed shakes. If you are confused about men and women shaking hands, don't be. There once was a time when women didn't shake hands with men. We are past that. Everyone in business shakes hands with everyone else.

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