Imagine You could Play your Way into a Huge Fortune!

Written by Dr Ina Bliss

Teen-Kid: Wow! That's what my dad is after. Is that possible?

Fairy: Yes, and I am going to show you how. Why is playing so much fun?

Teen-Kid: Because only adults are so dead-serious about everything?

Fairy: Yeah, that, too. But why does it feel so good?

Teen-Kid: Let's see, I do what I want, I play 'till I fall down. I get all sweaty...

Fairy: That's good. Keep going.

Teen-Kid: I don't really remember where I am, when I play, and soon it's evening, and I'm being called for dinner.

Fairy: So, what you're telling me is, you express yourself without restrictions, you stretch your body more than yesterday, your circulation is radical..., you forget that you're here, and there's no regard to time.

Teen-Kid: Yeah! That's what I meant.

Fairy: Do you know what 'business' is?

Teen-Kid: Being busy?

Fairy: Yes, and what else?

Teen-Kid: Being busy to make money?

Fairy: Right. At leastrepparttar people that are busy rushing around think so.

Teen-Kid: So, they think so, but it isn't like that?

Fairy: I tell yourepparttar 139692 truth, what they 'DO' makes no difference.

Teen-Kid: Okay, so, when I play a game, or pretend to be Yul Brunner, or Telly Savalas I do something, don't I?

Fairy: Yes.

Teen-Kid: Then, doesn't what I do matter?

Fairy: No.

Teen-Kid: Hmmm. Wait a minute, so it's what I get out of it, right?

Fairy: Not exactly.

Teen-Kid: That's odd... What then am I playing for?

Fairy: It's not 'what' you do, and it’s not ‘what’ you ‘get’, it's 'why' you do it. Why do you pretend to be Yul Brunner?

Teen-Kid: Cause I like him andrepparttar 139693 way he played inrepparttar 139694 King and I.

Fairy: Sure, keep going.

Teen-Kid: I want to be like him.

Foreclosure Property Deals

Written by Amber Lowery

Did you know that you can save tens of thousands of dollars onrepparttar purchase of your home by investing in a foreclosure or preforeclosure property? When you are trying to purchase a home forrepparttar 139648 first time, and you have limited resources and limited funds, it is particularly important that you getrepparttar 139649 most "bang for your buck".

One way for a young family to getrepparttar 139650 most home for their money is to purchase a "distressed" property. With research and due diligence, you may just end up with a larger or nicer home than you thought you could afford, but withoutrepparttar 139651 extra price tag. One way to accomplish this is by purchasing a property that is in foreclosure. You may want to look for an REO Foreclosure.

What's an REO Foreclosure? This stands for "Real Estate Owned", or in other words,property that was foreclosed upon byrepparttar 139652 bank holdingrepparttar 139653 mortgage, and now belongs torepparttar 139654 bank. But,repparttar 139655 bank is a bank and not a real estate investment firm. They are simply not inrepparttar 139656 business of residential real estate and have no interest inrepparttar 139657 home other than to recoup their investment.

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