If you're interested in improving
selling results of your ads, tweaking your headlines is a great place to start. Because your headlines influence
sales results of your ad more than any other element.A great ad with
wrong headline can bomb, whereas a great headline on an average ad will probably do OK. Let's take a look at a few techniques for coming up with sales-boosting headlines. First things first: Avoid these proven sales-killing "headlines" like
1. Your company name
2. A generic industry or service category (e.g. "Plumbing Contractor")
3. Or on a website or brochure, "Welcome to ABC Industries"
The points above sound basic (and they are), but it's surprising how many ads and websites make those mistakes.
So you've avoided those mistakes. What techniques can you use to create great selling headlines that practically catapult your readers into your ad? Here are a few ideas...
1. Call out to your target audience
If your message is aimed at stockbrokers, mention "stockbrokers" in
2. Mention specific benefits
Face it - consumers are jaded. We all are. Heck, I can hardly get out of bed in
morning :) General statements like "Lose weight fast" or "Save Money on _____" are no longer effective. Specific numbers and images evoke much more potent images in your prospects' minds than generalities. That's why they sell much better.
3. Use vivid, evocative verbs
Especially online, high-energy headlines work very well.
Here's a headline that uses all 3 of
above techniques...