Illustration that draws attention

Written by Nataly Alex

Have you ever considered renewing design of your web site? In that case you may want to know about place where you can find free photo content for your web.

Artmill Photostock is a new name inrepparttar design world that provides graphics professionals with a full range of image options in a friendly, intuitive and professional environment.

Artmill Photostock, a Canadian company, produces and distributes unique, premium quality professional photo imagery forrepparttar 100926 advertising, graphic design, publishing and multimedia corporate communities.

Artmill Creative Group, a company founded by entrepreneurial newcomers in 2001, launched Artmill Photostock in December 2002 with a firm resolution to compete successfully inrepparttar 100927 Canadian and world imagery market.

“We offer many advantages over our competitors”, - stated Michael Kostrov, President of Artmill Creative Group.

-First of all we hope to provide small and medium sized businesses with affordable product, that is both unique and of high quality. Our prices on Right Managed images are 5 to 10 times lower than other well established Stocks Photography whose prices are better suited for larger corporations with considerable budgets. As such, Artmill’s first competitive advantage is providing unique quality product at a competitive price. -The second very important advantage Artmill has over well known Stocks Photography isrepparttar 100928 choice of product. We do not increaserepparttar 100929 assortment because of poor images. We prefer to keep our gallery clean, with our primary focus on people, business, abstract and wildlife. We have high standards and choose product for our gallery accordingly.


Written by Nataly Alex

Olga Kostrova was born in 1973 in a family that huddled together in a tiny apartment with only one room that was dining room and bedroom atrepparttar same time. There were 6 people: mother, father, older sister and two grandmothers.

Later Olga mentioned: “My grandmothers were heroic women. These two sisters found my mother onrepparttar 100925 threshold of their house that was destroyed a bit later in Second World War time. Running away from fascist army my mother’s mum threw her newborn baby in this house a few hours before she was killed. These women brought uprepparttar 100926 baby as their own child, in spite of abject poverty and famine. I thank my lucky stars that I grew up in this family with people that lavish care upon each other and gave merepparttar 100927 opportunity to understand in what is meant by goodness, wisdom and strength”.

Olga found her passion to photography from childhood but never dreamt of becoming a recognized photographer. She just liked to take pictures; even though she did not have special training to take them. In 1996 Olga did Masters in Economics. Heartrepparttar 100928 age of 23 she managedrepparttar 100929 Marketing department of one ofrepparttar 100930 biggest international companies in Europe. Atrepparttar 100931 age of 27 she was offeredrepparttar 100932 post of CEO of a new branch of an international advertising agency. She did not accept it because she had intentions to relocate to North America. By this time she had gained knowledge and experience in serving clients with high standards of work. She applied this experience later to her own business, which she started inrepparttar 100933 end of 2002. She did not know that in less than one year, after relocating to Canada, she will successfully market her own photo site and serve 500 Fortune companies with their photo needs.

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