In past week, I was amazed at something that happened. 10 different people within an 8 hour period of each other tried to order an ad for exact same product (actually business opportunity would be a better description). Now at $107 a pop most marketers would have been thrilled (you do math - $1,070 for 8 hrs work).Guess what? We turned down every order! Why, you may be asking? Here's why - product they were advertising was in direct competition with our Ultimate Marketers Resource service! ( If any of you think we are crazy to turn away almost $1,100 dollars, we are not surprised. As a matter of fact you are probably as confused as advertisers we spurned.
So let's explain our thinking.
We don't believe in running ads for competitors!
Simple as that.
Business is about trying to survive and beat back your competition, not help them to beat you! Unfortunately, this is not something that most internet marketers understand.
You see, internet marketing is a pseudo business for many. Quite a few internet marketers have never been involved in an offline business and as such, they simply jump on wagon of anything that will make them a dollar (even if it is a competitive service). The common reasoning that we hear for this all time is, well - all marketing services are competitive in one form or another so you might as well make a buck.
That is CRAZY!
Let me ask you something: Have you ever seen any traditional business advertise for their competitors? Does Pepsi run ads for Coke and say "Oh well, you gotta drink soda right?".