If we are eating 99% fat free, why are we 99% fat?!

Written by Sheridan Woodcroft

Copyright 2005 Sheridan Woodcroft

Unfortunately, obesity is reaching epidemic proportions, with over 60% of our population now overweight. We need to take control of this problem NOW.

There are three terms that need to be understood in order to take control of your weight - fat, fibre, and carbohydrates. Fat is fairly straight forward. Fibre is anything that grows out ofrepparttar ground… mainly fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and berries. The important thing to know about fibre is thatrepparttar 140228 acid in your stomach won’t break it down, so when you eat fibre, it fills you up faster and keeps you full longer. Finally, Carbohydrates are foods that are naturally sweet, or anything made with sugar or flour.

Most people have heard that if you eat low fat or no fat foods you can lose weight. Well in reality, that’s just halfrepparttar 140229 story. Most people, when trying low fat diets, go torepparttar 140230 store and start reading labels and looking for anything that has zero fat. People then think, “Great, I can eat all I want.” They eat almost no fat at all - and end up gaining weight! That’s why you need to knowrepparttar 140231 other half ofrepparttar 140232 story.

The Dirty Little Diet Secret

Written by Amy Grant

Have you ever wondered how actors stay in such great shape? You know they couldn’t starve themselves allrepparttar time, because you can see their weight fluctuate from movie to movie, depending onrepparttar 140227 role they’re playing. The fact is Hollywood’s slim and slender are hiding a dark secret from you, their adoring fan.

Why would these movie stars hide such an effective and powerful weight loss secret? Why not sign contracts for endorsements and make even more money while gaining more publicity? Why not share this information withrepparttar 140228 general public and put an end to obesity and weight-related diseases in America? Don’t they care enough about their faithful fans to share this secret?

These celebrities have their reasons. Think about it: what is a movie star’s most valuable asset? You might say “talent” but I disagree because some actors and actresses are successful with only a minimal amount of skill (have you turned on a television lately?) You might be thinking it’s their looks or physical appearance. I would argue that’s not it either, because some successful actors and actresses are able to maintain their popularity long after their physical beauty begins to fade.

An actor’s most valuable asset is their REPUTATION. See, reputation is a combination of popularity, looks, news andrepparttar 140229 star’s ability to entertain. Some stars maintain a scandalous reputation because it gets them more press. Some stars actually provide entertainment through their negative press. Forrepparttar 140230 most part, your favorite actors and actresses try to protect themselves from bad press.

What does this have to do withrepparttar 140231 hidden weight loss secret?

Since they don’t want bad press, and since part of their job is to look good, who in their right mind would be willing to have their “before” photos splashed onrepparttar 140232 cover ofrepparttar 140233 Enquirer orrepparttar 140234 National Star? Hollywood does not want you to know what they look like when they’re not at their best.

Have you ever noticed that when an actress is between movies, we don’t see very much of her inrepparttar 140235 limelight? When movie stars are between projects, they typically pack on some additional pounds. It’s not so much that we wouldn’t recognize them, but enough to turn uprepparttar 140236 pressure when they’re trying to impress directors, producers and casting agents. Five to ten pounds could make or break a big role, or even a smaller role that could lead to a starring role.

So what’srepparttar 140237 dirty little Hollywood secret, and why hasn’trepparttar 140238 Enquirer uncovered it yet? We already know these stars have personal trainers, and in most cases, they follow strict nutritional plans. We know they exercise for several hours every day, since being in shape and looking great is a requirement forrepparttar 140239 job. But what else are they hiding?

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