If the Shoe Fits…

Written by Dave Gonzalez

While buying a good quality pair of shoes may seem like something pretty obvious, it’s not as easy as it sounds when you actually get intorepparttar store. Sure, style and looks have something to do withrepparttar 127097 right shoes, but there are a lot of other factors that need your consideration when you want to take care of your tootsies.

Before you make any important shoe decisions, take a moment to think about your feet. The comfort of your feet has a tremendous impact on your overall comfort. Just think about it – sore feet, cold feet, hot feet, itchy feet – all of these things are enough to drive you to distraction. If your feet are uncomfortable,repparttar 127098 rest of you is uncomfortable. Keep this in mindrepparttar 127099 next time you walk into a shoe store and look at those brand-name, yet uncomfortable shoes.

You need to treat your feet right. This means that you not only have to buy a pair of shoes that look good, but you also need to find ones that fit your feet. This may sound obvious, butrepparttar 127100 majority of people wear shoes every day that aren’t quite suited to their unique foot shape and size.

"10 Leadership Lessons From The World's Greatest Leaders"

Written by Laurence Winmill

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"10 Leadership Lessons From The World's Greatest Leaders"

- by Laurence Winmill

(c) Laurence Winmill. All Rights Reserved. http://www.BookShaker.com


Sincerepparttar 127099 beginning of mankind every one of us needs and benefits from leadership, whether it's religious, social, family, educational, governing, professional or business. The fact is that without leadership there is simply no direction or path for us to follow.

Typically when you mentionrepparttar 127100 word leader, historical names spring to mind. Political or Governing leaders include Winston Churchill, George Washington, Adolf Hitler, Julius Caesar, William Wallace, Lenin, Mandela, Gandhi, Thatcher, Kennedy,repparttar 127101 list goes on.

All of these names have left their mark in history - they have inspired millions to follow their example, in some cases with magnificent results and in others quite catastrophic.

But what all leaders seem to have in common is summed up in a quote by Vance Packard (The Hidden Persuaders) - "Leadership appears to berepparttar 127102 art of getting others to want to do something you are convinced should be done".

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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