If I Were Coaching You

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 1220 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2004.

If I Were Coaching You…

If I were coaching you as a business, non-profit or association manager on how to getrepparttar biggest bang for your public relations dollar, I would sum it up for you this way.

Userepparttar 103722 fundamental premise of public relations to produce external stakeholder behavior change –repparttar 103723 kind that leads directly to achieving your managerial objectives. Usually, that outside behavior change can be created inrepparttar 103724 financial, marketing, crisis resolution, reputation management and other sectors ofrepparttar 103725 public relations discipline.

Thus, you do something positive aboutrepparttar 103726 behaviors of those outside audiences that MOST affect your organization. And you do so by persuading those important external folks to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions that help your department, division or subsidiary succeed.

The reality is, your public relations effort must involve more than press releases, brochures and special events if you expect to get your money’s worth.

And that’s whatrepparttar 103727 fundamental premise of public relations really says when it points out that people act on their own perception ofrepparttar 103728 facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-actionrepparttar 103729 very people whose behaviors affectrepparttar 103730 organizationrepparttar 103731 most,repparttar 103732 public

relations mission is accomplished.

Happily, this kind of public relations approach can deliver results like capital givers or specifying sources looking your way; enhanced activist group relations; expanded feedback channels; new proposals for strategic alliances and joint ventures; community service and sponsorship opportunities; rebounds in showroom visits, membership applications onrepparttar 103733 rise; not to mention new thoughtleader and special event contacts.

You could easily see improved relations with government agencies and legislative bodies; prospects starting to work with you; customers making repeat purchases; promotional contest overtures, and even stronger relationships withrepparttar 103734 educational, labor, financial and healthcare communities.

Still,repparttar 103735 question remains, who makesrepparttar 103736 blueprint really work? Will your workers be regular public relations staff? Or people sent to you by a parent entity? Or possibly a PR agency crew? Regardless of where they come from, they must be committed to you asrepparttar 103737 senior project manager, torepparttar 103738 PR blueprint and its implementation, starting with target audience perception monitoring.

Now, simply because a PR person describes him/herself as a public relations specialist doesn’t mean they’ve bought intorepparttar 103739 whole program. Convince yourself that your team members really believe deeply why it’s SO important to know how your most important outside audiences perceive your operations, products or services. Be certain they buy repparttar 103740 reality that perceptions almost always lead to behaviors that can help or hurt your unit.

Pore overrepparttar 103741 PR blueprint with your PR team, especially your plan for monitoring and gathering perceptions by questioning members of your most important outside audiences. Questions like these: how much do you know about our organization? How much do you know about our services or products and employees? Have you had prior contact with us and were you pleased withrepparttar 103742 interchange? Have you experienced problems with our people or procedures?

Professional Relationship Blueprints

Written by Kevin B. Burk, Author of The Relationship Handbook

Our professional relationships draw on two sets of relationship blueprints. The Authority Blueprint governs our relationships to authority figures, as well as our relationships to our subordinates when we are in a position of authority. The Sibling Blueprint governs our relationships to our co-workers.

Many companies today try to foster a sense of community (and employee loyalty) by claiming to be one big happy family. The irony is that even withoutrepparttar company's efforts to create a sense of family inrepparttar 103721 workplace, we do experience our professional environment as a family. Of course,repparttar 103722 family our company resembles is our family, complete withrepparttar 103723 same dysfunctional dynamics we experienced growing up.

Our Authority Blueprints are based on our relationships with our parents. The Male Authority Blueprint is based on our relationship to our father and applies to our interactions with men in authority. Our Female Authority Blueprint is based on our relationship to our mother, and applies to our interactions with women in authority. When we are in a position of authority, we'rerepparttar 103724 most influenced byrepparttar 103725 blueprint of our same-gender parent. The thing is, when we relate to our superiors at work, we are not only influenced by our relationship to our parents--we actually experience it. On an unconscious level, we project our unresolved issues with our parents onto our supervisors. We expect our supervisors to provide us withrepparttar 103726 kind of love and support that we didn't receive from our parents.

If we have specific issues with either one of our parents, we will get to work through these issues in our professional relationships to authority figures. If we never felt able to disagree with our father, for example, we may also have trouble disagreeing with our male supervisors. We may not feel entitled to voice our opinions, which means that we rarely get acknowledged for our contributions. This, of course, can have adverse effects on our ability to advance, be recognized, have our validation needs met, and feel safe. If we were able to ignore our mother's rules and requests as children, we may not completely respectrepparttar 103727 authority of our female supervisors. We may unconsciously test their authority and see how much we can get away with, because we need them to provide us withrepparttar 103728 safe and strong boundaries that our mothers didn't. Of course, this can also have a negative impact on our prospects for career advancement and job security.

When we're in positions of authority, we unconsciously become our parents. Most often, we identify with our same-gender parent, but we can take onrepparttar 103729 management styles of both. If we experienced our father as being an irrational, authoritarian jackass, it's a safe bet thatrepparttar 103730 people we supervise feelrepparttar 103731 same way about us. If we never had to respect our mother's requests, then we may find that our employees don't respect ours.

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