Identity Theft – Impacting Your Taxes?

Written by Richard A. Chapo

If your identity is stolen, your finances can quickly become a nightmare. A less obvious problem isrepparttar effect identity theft can have on your taxes.

Identity Theft

Generally, thieves steal your personal data forrepparttar 149637 purpose of running up credit card charges or opening and abusing new accounts. A developing trend inrepparttar 149638 identity theft field concerns schemes impacting your taxes.

Selling Social Security Numbers

Identity thieves have created a new line of business – selling your social security number. Who would want to buy it? The list is surprising long, but undocumented workers, individuals with bad credit and people trying to obtain a new identity leadrepparttar 149639 list. This can create a huge problem for you since any income paid to those individuals is reported torepparttar 149640 IRS as being paid to you. This results inrepparttar 149641 IRS having inflated income numbers and, often, audits when you “under report” your income.

Withrepparttar 149642 creation ofrepparttar 149643 Real ID Act, better known asrepparttar 149644 National ID Card, things will only get worse. Underrepparttar 149645 Act, all workers will be required to submit social security numbers to obtain jobs. With our leaky borders, there will be a high demand for your social security number.

Parenting Adolescents & Young Adults

Written by Maggie Vlazny, MSW, LCSW

Parenting adolescents can often feel overwhelming and downright impossible. Behavioral changes, mood swings, and our child's development of "an attitude" are a challenge to most parents in this universal transition. Who are these strangers who used to be our kids?

It helps to remember that adolescents are in transition fromrepparttar role of child torepparttar 149636 role of adult. It is an evolving process, with many tasks to be mastered alongrepparttar 149637 way as they prepare to leaverepparttar 149638 nest.

The goal is for them to develop a sense of competence, autonomy, and personal identity, separate and apart fromrepparttar 149639 family. (Aren't we glad that we, ourselves, don't have to go through that again?)

The first "fun" part of adolescent development is puberty. I don't know who finds it worse,repparttar 149640 parent orrepparttar 149641 child. Suddenly your little innocent is shrouded in towels and bathrobes, keeping bathroom and bedroom door barricaded, and behaving as if he or she wererepparttar 149642 only human inrepparttar 149643 history ofrepparttar 149644 world to develop such "gross" physical transformations. Their obvious task, at this point, is to become comfortable with their physical changes. Self-consciousness rules during this awkward time, as they must also beginrepparttar 149645 major task of separating themselves fromrepparttar 149646 family.

Key to developing their own identity, adolescents enjoy doing anything different from Mom and Dad. They try on alternate selves like costumes (hopefully something you'll despise!) until they discover whorepparttar 149647 real "me" is. Try not to despair. Having what they consider to be an acceptable appearance feels critical to them as they begin their long journey. The process of maturation starts outward and turns increasingly inward until it is complete. If all goes well, this usually occurs between ages 18-22.

Behavior such as questioning authority is one way in which they learn to create their own interpretations and solutions to problems, rather then simply accepting adult explanations as they did when they were younger. The closed bedroom door andrepparttar 149648 blasting stereo are literal physical barriers, helping them processrepparttar 149649 normal developmental task of emotional and psychological separation. They're supposed to do this!

Teens must also learn to establish satisfactory relationships with peers. Learning cooperation, feeling comfortable in groups, and forming friendships layrepparttar 149650 groundwork for future romantic and work relationships. As they move intorepparttar 149651 later teen years, adolescents begin looking outward, beyond family, friends, and self. They begin to develop a philosophy of life, a world view, moral standards, and a guiding belief. They begin looking towardrepparttar 149652 future. Educational and career goals take center stage at this time.

Throughout these stages, teens must learn flexible coping strategies and how to behave appropriately in different situations. Much as we might like to, we cannot prevent them from making our mistakes. Just as we had to learn from experience, so must they. But we can teach them how to make decisions, how to cope, how to behave. We do this by modeling (showing them, through example, how we do it). They will close their ears when we try to preach, but their eyes are always open, watching how we manage relationships and life. They miss nothing.

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