FFA, or Free For All sites are
next generation of internet marketing. Or at least that's what many want you to believe.FFA sites are places where anyone can post a short ad with a link, as long as they agree to accept emails from
site owner. Some of
most popular sites are
(1)ffanet.com (2)myebiz.com (3)prolinks.com (4)kiosk.com (5)ffamailblaster.com
At first thought this seems like a remarkable way to advertise. But, there are major problems here.
First off,
only way for
advertisement to work is for people to visit
FFA site where it is posted. But
only people it seems that visit these sites are those that post an ad. To make matters worse, 99% of posts are done now through autosubmiters. So who actually sees your ad? Absolutely no one.
You may have received emails from FFA site owners of claiming that advertising via an FFA is worthless unless you actually own
site. Their flawed reasoning (which I will explain shortly) is that as
owner, you get to post your own ads on
site, and better yet, collect
email addresses of everyone posting. Moreover, you receive commissions on anyone signing up to purchase an FFA site of their own.
But wait! It gets better. The same people will claim that when submitting your ad, create a separate email account to store
large number of autoresponder messages you will receive and other advertisements. So, if you don't want your primary email account to fill up, create a secondary account and simply delete
emails as they come in.
Now i'm really confused. If people who submit to my now owned and paying monthly FFA site, create a secondary email address to submit when posting, only to delete all of
advertisements they receive, why exactly do I want their email address?