Identifying, Creating and Using Your USP

Written by Robin Henry

What's your USP? Don't know, or worse still, you've never heard of it.

USP is an acronym for Unique Selling Proposition. It's vital for every business to identify its inherent USP or if it can't identify it, to create it.

If yours is a firm that sells gold coated widgets and there are NO other firms sellingrepparttar same product, then you need not worry about your USP - you have one by default. The default being that you have a market monopoly.

Providedrepparttar 103509 product is in demand, you can charge just about any price you like and you have no worries with competition. Your product is unique - that's your USP.

But say your business is installing airconditioners and there are six other firms doingrepparttar 103510 same thing in your region. What's your USP? This is where it gets difficult.

You don't have an inherent USP, so you need to create it. Ifrepparttar 103511 other firms providerepparttar 103512 same range of airconditioners and prices are reasonably comparable, then you need to do one or more ofrepparttar 103513 following:

.Reduce or increase your prices .Provide better service .Add value to your products or service

Reducing your price is usually unacceptable as is increasing your price, although withrepparttar 103514 latter, you may decide to specialise in a higher cost product and look for a niche market with larger amounts of disposable income eg, Baby Boomers.

Alternatively, you may decide to focus on commercial airconditioning installation.

While it's not always easy to juggle prices and product range - after all, there are only so many different brands of airconditioner - providing better service and adding value to your products or services presents numerous opportunities. Let's consider a few.

Here's an example of an experience I had where a firm added value to it's product. Although it happened many years ago, it is still relevant. My wife and I had our first child and realised within days that our old twin tub washing machine wouldn't be much use washing dozens of nappies every week, so we invested in a Hoover automatic top loading machine. When it was delivered,repparttar 103515 delivery man unpacked it, set it up in our laundry and then gave us a demonstration on how to work it.

How to Overcome a Confidence Crisis

Written by Caterina Rando

As a business success coach I have worked with many women in business who consider themselves successful and who are considered successful by their peers. No matter how much you earn, how fast you find yourself expanding your organization, or how much satisfaction your gain from your business, you can have a confidence crisis. Even women with high self-esteem and self-confidence can suffer from a confidence crash. Sometimes, things happen that knockrepparttar confidence right out of us. At times, our confidence is already shaky as a result of a transition or loss and a single incident like missing a deadline, getting a bad haircut, or spilling coffee on a document can send us storming out ofrepparttar 103508 confidence cafe. When you crash, it is usually because your daily diet of life has not included enough confidence causing foods. Confidence is like Vitamin C. You need it in your diet. Your body can only store it for a short time before it needs some more. You have to take responsibility for planning your confidence meals and making sure you have large enough portions. When you have a confidence crisis, don't despair, don't reach forrepparttar 103509 bottle of bourbon orrepparttar 103510 bon bons. Instead, start to use some of these confidence-boosting techniques. Begin with at least two, then add a third and a fourth. You will gain a lot more than confidence - you will learn to love, honor and appreciate yourself more and more. Keep a Journal Keeping a journal is a great way to process, and clarify your feelings. Forcing yourself to write everyday also forces you to take time for daily reflection. Daily reflection can help you solidify what you know, what you have learned, and what you still need to pay attention to. Show Gratitude Practice gratitude - be thankful for what you already have and put your attention on allrepparttar 103511 blessings you already possess. Keep a gratitude section in your journal. Everyday write down five things you are thankful for. This will help you feel richer and stronger in character and that translates into confidence. Evaluate Your Relationships Assessrepparttar 103512 relationships in your life. Do they support you or sabotage you? All relationships change with time; some get better, some get worse. If you have relationships in your life that are more of a burden then a joy, it may be time to sever your ties - or at least loosenrepparttar 103513 reins.

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