Identify your Two Rich Horses

Written by Vinay Ghimiray

The naked truth of person is that we are still slaves to our mind; means we are still a "bounded slaves" to our mind. The use of mind in constructive way or in some stepping-stone turning way is still not being revealed by human being. This isrepparttar only catalyst which leads to becomerepparttar 129855 "repparttar 129856 so called body andrepparttar 129857 body holder" famous and illustrious and it isrepparttar 129858 same catalyst which can lead to other floating vices right across us. This is very true and very believable that human brain is actually a size of his/her right fist butrepparttar 129859 same hand can lead to actions likerepparttar 129860 actions taken by some famous politicians andrepparttar 129861 same hand can lead to charity or some misconduct. How many of us ever tried to take control of our mind and thereafterrepparttar 129862 body? How many of us are very independent of allrepparttar 129863 commands to follow as given by our mind irrespective of its consequences?

The controlling of mind and body leads to some great results if applied correctly. Yes, we can feel and hear that there are two voices inside human being one of God-Angel and one of Satan. We can reach out to any voice, which is at our discretion. Believed thatrepparttar 129864 first voice isrepparttar 129865 voice of God. The normal outburst and a clash between these two voice is at young age only where new definitions and terms are being embedded into ones mind and which due vary from person to person. The basic outlook towards life andrepparttar 129866 career do makes its impression at this age only.

The Amazing 3-Step Formula To Success!

Written by Dean Phillips

Believe it or not, there is a special 3-step formula that makes people successful.

Unfortunately, you can't buyrepparttar formula. But if you could, it would be hotter than reality television shows!

So, what is this amazing 3-step formula I'm talking about?

Okay. Here it is:

1. Have a goal.

2. Do what you love.

3. Have relentless desire and determination.

That's it. That'srepparttar 129853 formula.

Now don't be fooled byrepparttar 129854 simplicity ofrepparttar 129855 formula. After all, if it were easy, everyone would be successful and we all know that's notrepparttar 129856 case.

However,repparttar 129857 formula is definitely viable for anyone whom religiously followsrepparttar 129858 steps.

Let's start withrepparttar 129859 first part ofrepparttar 129860 formula:

(1.) Have a goal.

Every ounce of human progress--our inventions big and small, our medical and scientific discoveries, our engineering achievements, our business successes--were first visualized before they became realities. High-tech satellites orbitrepparttar 129861 earth because scientists made it their goal to conquer space.

So, what is a goal?

A goal is an objective, a purpose. A goal is more than just a dream, it's a dream acted upon. A goal is more than just sitting back and "wishing you could." A goal is a clear-as- glass, "This is what I'm working toward."

Nothing happens, no steps forward are taken, until a goal is established. Without goals, individuals just wander aimlessly through life under-achieving. They stumble and bumble along, not having a clue where they're going. So, as a result, they never get anywhere.

Goals are as essential to success as air is to life. No one ever stumbles into success, without having a clear-cut goal. (Winningrepparttar 129862 lottery doesn't count). Develop a clear picture of where you want to go.

Write your goals down and review them every single day. Formulate a game plan. Ask yourself where you want to be a month from now--a year from now--3 years, 5 years, 10 years.

Tape a picture of your goal on your bathroom mirror and on your refrigerator--whether it's a new house, a new car, whatever.

Make visualizing and thinking about your goals a daily exercise. Because it is only by constantly visualizing your goals will they become a reality.

And don't worry about setbacks, detours or little bumps in repparttar 129863 road or big bumps either for that matter. Setbacks happen to everyone. That's life. Forget about it. Makerepparttar 129864 necessary adjustments and keep going.

Up next isrepparttar 129865 second part ofrepparttar 129866 formula:

(2.) Do what you love.

There's an old saying, "Do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life!"

Do you understand what that means? It means if you work at doing something you truly love and enjoy, it won't really seem like work at all.

Speaking from personal experience, I'm here to tell you that is absolutelyrepparttar 129867 truth. Let me give you an example of what I'm talking about.

A few years ago, I made it my goal to have a successful business onrepparttar 129868 Internet, even though I had no computer experience and knew absolutely nothing aboutrepparttar 129869 Internet.

At that time, I didn't even own a computer. All I had was my WebTV and a boatload of determination.

Well, my friends, to make a long story short, I'm happy to say that I've achieved that goal. And now I get to stay home all day, everyday and play on my computer, writing articles like this one and publishing my "Let's Make Money Newsletter."

So, how did I do it?

I went torepparttar 129870 libray and taught myself how to use a computer. I read book after book on howrepparttar 129871 Internet works and I taught myself basic HTML (very basic).

Anyway,repparttar 129872 bottom line is, I'm now doing what I love. Most mornings I get up at six o'clock, because I can't wait to get started. And most nights, I don't get offline until about eight or nine o'clock.

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