Ice Fishing Tips

Written by Frank Faldo

Ice Fishing Depth Sounder

If you ever need a quick depth sounder when ice-fishing, you can make one with a small bobber and bell sinker. Just attachrepparttar sinker torepparttar 133040 bottom line retainer ofrepparttar 133041 bobber andrepparttar 133042 hook or lure torepparttar 133043 top retainer. This makes it easy to findrepparttar 133044 water’s depth.

One ofrepparttar 133045 most effective tools for any ice fisherman isrepparttar 133046 fantastic Evening Secret to swarming hungry fish to your spot. A great way to increase your ice catches.

Falling throughrepparttar 133047 ice

If you are out with a buddy ice fishing – and there is a possibility of breaking ice, make sure to stay at least 10 feet apart to spread out your weight. You should also each carry long poles; they can be used to straddlerepparttar 133048 hole to help you climb out. Make sure to have a poncho, waterproof matches, safety pins, bandages, knife, candles, bouillon cubes, and cocoa or soup. Put all of them in a watertight metal can which can be used to heat water over a candle in an emergency.


If you are an ice fisherman and consistently have problems with your hole freezing up – instead of pouring anti-freeze intorepparttar 133049 hole (which shuts down fishing action), use denatured alcohol. It is less expensive, has no odor or taste, and is available at any pharmacy.


If you are an ice fisherman (which 2 million people are inrepparttar 133050 U.S.),repparttar 133051 following bait will bring you even more success.

For Bluegills use tiny ice spoons (1/32 to 1/80 of an ounce), ice flies or No. 10 or 12 gold hooks. Tip them with gall worms, crane fly larvae, mousies, mealworms, wax worms, or maggots. Fishrepparttar 133052 offering with a light tremble or quivering movement. Try levels from one to three feet off bottom, over depths o f10 to 20 feet. A murky or weedy bottom is best for them.

10 Fishing Gems

Written by Frank Faldo

Fishing Gem #1 – When Is Best?

If you are in a boat and plan to anchor and bottom fish, get out there beforerepparttar sun goes down and set up .

Over many years, it has been noticed that a good bite usually starts 2 hours before sunrise. Use an alarm clock to make sure you don’t miss it!

You want to be set up and ready to wet-bait a half hour beforerepparttar 133039 sun sets. Anchoring and cooking needs to be done prior torepparttar 133040 sunset. Cooking while evening fishing can be hazardous and spills may occur!

One ofrepparttar 133041 reasons to be all set up at least 30 minutes before dark is that there is usually a minor bite ˝ hour before or after either sunrise or sunset. Typically they feed shallower during this minor bite – about 30 feet down in many cases.

Remember, on most bodies of water,repparttar 133042 remaining minutes at twilight can be absolutely magical for fishermen.

Fishing Gem #2 – Go Towards The Light!

For good fast action (in either saltwater or freshwater), try to fish around piers with lights onrepparttar 133043 end of them. Most successful night fishing excursions occur around lights on buoys or piers.

Don’t have any light around? In that case, userepparttar 133044 Evening Secret and watchrepparttar 133045 show begin – swarms of hungry fish in 45 minutes, surrounding your location. Just go to to see how.

Fishing Gem #3 – Can’t Forget The Stream Fishermen!

Brown trout are so active after dark that it sometimes is possible to fish in just one pool and, in a good stream, take one trout after another. Use very large dry flies, oversized streamers, wet flies, and nymphs. The larger flies are easier for night-feeding trout to locate. You should fish them very slowly. With wet and streamer flies you can leave them suspended inrepparttar 133046 current nearrepparttar 133047 surface and frequently take trout, although this system would not normally work duringrepparttar 133048 day. Big dry flies can be drawn slowly alongrepparttar 133049 surface ofrepparttar 133050 water in a jerking motion to help attract trout. Some fishermen use small popping bugs when fishing for trout at night.

Fishing Gem #4 – Things To Know About Hooking Up With Stripers

Most successful Striper fishing excursions occur around lights on buoys or docks in deep water (up to 100 feet!).

There are also reports that Stripers will not go near an area where dead Stripers have been dumped for days. Some believe dead or wounded Striper let off an odor that keeps others away.

In most lakes, you will be more successful using jig heads than hooks and sinkers and Shad are a much more effective bait than anchovies.

Fishing Gem #5 – Keep That Bait Alive And Kickin’!

One secret to keeping your bait alive while waiting forrepparttar 133051 sun to set is to paintrepparttar 133052 inside of your bait tank black. Bait fish will typically swim towardsrepparttar 133053 light, which in daylight would mean they are banging themselves againstrepparttar 133054 sides of your bait tank. Your bait will live much longer if you eliminate daytime light, so they will stay in one place to avoid self-destruction.

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