The New Year has not started out very well for Yours Truly. After
first day of
new year, my life went south for
rest of
winter. All I can say is, I hope it has a wonderful winter, and don't forget to write.Speaking of writing, I can sum up my feelings at this moment by saying, "I hate my computer."
Perhaps, you may think
word "hate" a little too strong. Under normal circumstances, I would agree wholeheartedly. These, however, are not normal circumstances by a long shot.
And, believe me, I've been tempted to do some shooting.
Usually, I'm good-natured, and easily get along with everyone around me. I go out of my way to be nice and courteous to people.
grocery store, I always hold
door open for people; on
highway, I always yield to
other driver, without employing hand gestures; and in a restaurant ,I always smile at
waitress, no matter how much she messes up my order.
However, everything and everyone has a limit — and I have reached my limit in this matter. The new near has barely gotten underway and already a snag has raised its ugly head in my direction and grinned. And boy, do I despise that grin.
This snag, to put it mildly, has to do with my computer. Oh, how I miss my old typewriter at times. It was such a faithful companion to me in my work. Rarely did it disappoint me or let me down. It always responded to
slightest touch of my fingers.
sad day came when I traded my old reliable typewriter in for a computer. At
time, I thought I had upgraded into heaven. I did not know I was setting myself up for a crash. How could I? Everyone told me a computer would solve all my problems.
beginning, it lulled me into a false sense of competency. It actually made me believe I was in control of my computer. And, for a while, it looked like I was.
This past week I was working on several projects. With my computer, I can have three projects open at
same time and work on them simultaneously. I was working on my Sunday sermon, my weekly column and a fantastic article I was writing for a magazine.
I was in high heaven, going from one project to another and making wonderful progress. In fact, I was having such a great time that I forgot to save any of my work.
Several times during my work that afternoon I heard a mischievous snicker coming from somewhere, but I was having too much fun to pay attention to it. In hindsight, I should have stopped right there and pondered