I Want To Be...Somebody New

Written by Dave Cole

How You Think...Determines How You Act How you act....determines how others React to you.

We receive back from othersrepparttar kind of treatment and respect we think we deserve.

If a person somehow feels inferior or inadequate, they will act that way.


If you are an online marketer, you have an important job to do this year.

You are not a "salesperson," you are a representative of your chosen company.

You definitely should feel very good about what you are doing and should believe your work is IMPORTANT, helpful, and needed.

Plus you are inrepparttar 121438 business of helping other people make their dreams come true.

You Are Important! You do and should command respect.

Look and Feel Important Act Important Be important


Many people haverepparttar 121439 cycle of success a bit backwards... they think you must:

1. Do 2. Have 3. Be

i.e. You dorepparttar 121440 work to haverepparttar 121441 symbols to berepparttar 121442 successful person


You must FIRST .....BE

Berepparttar 121443 kind of person you want to BE. Then you will automatically dorepparttar 121444 things necessary to obtain what you want.

BE-ing means you already are a success; with or without repparttar 121445 "symbols" that society "thinks" must be there to "prove" your success...(what a bunch of pressure baloney that thinking is)

1. BE 2. DO 3. HAVE

Charlie Chan Does Online Marketing

Written by Dave Cole

I used to love to watchrepparttar old Charlie Chan movies on TV. One of Charlie's famous sayings was, "Life is like feather in stream...goes where current takes it."

You know what....forrepparttar 121437 majority of folks old Charlie had it about right.

People just drift along going withrepparttar 121438 flow. Get up, go to work, come home, eat supper, maybe do a little yard work or something withrepparttar 121439 kids, then some TV and off to bed.

The weekend comes and all those things we were planning to do, somehow just never seem to happen. We're too tired, life gets inrepparttar 121440 way, we're burnt out fromrepparttar 121441 week's work, or we don't have enough money.

Then glory be, it's Monday morning again and back to repparttar 121442 old grind.....over and over and over.

Just drifting along. Life dictates to them. Floating onrepparttar 121443 stream and going whererepparttar 121444 life current takes them. Then one day 30 or 40 years have passed and they look back and wonder what happened.

Charlie also said, "Everyone should go fishing at least once ......just forrepparttar 121445 Halibut."

So we next findrepparttar 121446 group of folks who actually make an effort at getting out ofrepparttar 121447 current and instead of aimlessly drifting along where ever life takes them they make an honest effort at trying to improve their conditions.

If you're one ofrepparttar 121448 folks who fit into that second group..... then...... Bully For You!

I'm proud of you.

You should be proud of yourself!

It takes a certain amount of courage to do something out ofrepparttar 121449 ordinary. To get out ofrepparttar 121450 box. To go away from repparttar 121451 mainstream line of thinking.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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