I Learned A Valuable Internet Marketing Lesson

Written by Wayne Perkins

How many times have you groaned when you heard you need to publish articles in order to sell products onrepparttar Internet?

Do you really believe that writing articles will produce results?

Over two ago, after I published my fourth Rocketedition (now Gemstar) e-book, I was scratching my head thinking how am I going to market this these e-books? Nobody I know owns a dedicated e-book-reading device. (I still don't know anyone who does.)

I found a website calledrepparttar 121448 Rocket-Library where I could post sample chapters, articles or complete e-books, offeringrepparttar 121449 information for free. (Note: it is now defunct)

Sincerepparttar 121450 only wayrepparttar 121451 information could be read was on a Rocketbook e-Book reader, I felt this marketing strategy would present sales.

3 months after posting a total of 4 articles: 2 for "A Cheap and Easy Guide to Self-publishing E-books" and 2 for "How to Hypnotize People and Other Living Things, " I started getting incredible results.

"A Cheap and Easy Guide to Self-publishing E-books" becamerepparttar 121452 number one best-selling non-fiction e-book on Barnes & Noble.com

It was competing against non-fiction eBooks written by major authors from major publishing houses.

"How to Hypnotize People and Other Living Things" stayed up inrepparttar 121453 top 5 hypnotism book rankings on Barnes & Noble.com, competing against print for almost two years.

Barnes & Noble.com finally droppedrepparttar 121454 Gemstar eBook a few months ago.

The only marketing I ever employed for these two titles was spending a total of 4 hours at a keyboard hammering out 4 articles.

The main reason I brought this up is, I was competing in a very sterile environment.

There was no TV, Radio, or print ads to diluterepparttar 121455 results. There were no special features in e-zines or on house list ads byrepparttar 121456 Rocketbook people. There was no attempt by Barnes & Noble to "promote an unknown author" There were no booksignings, trade shows or seminars.

By writing articles and targeting an Internet Library that required people to own a dedicated eBook reading device, I found that indeed publishing articles wererepparttar 121457 most valuable marketing strategies that authors can use.

Overrepparttar 121458 last year I have been side tracked but inrepparttar 121459 last month I have submitted over 100 articles, (2 articles X 50 e-zines). I have had amazing results.

I have sold other e-books and sold reprint-resale rights to my e- books, booked speaking engagements, and sold my telephone consulting services.

In addition I have had around 100 articles actually published in other's e-zines and newsletters which may present business opportunities for another 2 years for my Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF formatted E-books.

Bag Of Tricks

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Have you ever noticed that in every shopping mall, there is what is referred to as an anchor store? This is normally a large store that attracts a lot of customers, andrepparttar other stores inrepparttar 121447 mall benefit fromrepparttar 121448 "spill over" customers that go there .

With allrepparttar 121449 talk about online marketing, can we benefit from this concept. Sure - try to find popular sites that attract a large number of visitors. Try to work out a link exchange with them. You will get potential customers to your site this way . Many people feel that this is just as important as search engine placement.

As far as your online marketing is concerned, I consider a Web Page to berepparttar 121450 anchor for your sales efforts. This isrepparttar 121451 place where you want your potential customers to go for information about your Company. This is where you can make or break your sale.

Many people make serious mistakes when designing their Web Page. Let's face it - if someone comes to your Web Page, they are looking for information. While beautiful pictures are nice to look at, they seldom have a reason to exist on your Web Page. Why? Because they take too long to load, a visitor will quickly become frustrated, and they "click away" to something else - a lost opportunity.

If you want a presence onrepparttar 121452 Web, your design goals should be simple. You should have a page that loads quickly and doesn't requirerepparttar 121453 visitor to page down to get your primary message. Face it - you have seconds to capture their attention. The page should be attractive, and stimulaterepparttar 121454 person to page down, or link to other pages. This is where you can then expand on what you are trying to present. Once you get them to page down, or click on a link to another of your pages,repparttar 121455 odds are that they will read it.

Any advertising program should be geared toward one goal and that is to make sales. Your ads in Online Newsletters or Web Classifieds also have one purpose, and that is to get them to request more information. Here is where Autoresponders and Web Pages shine. They are your silent salespeople who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used in combination they arerepparttar 121456 "dynamic duo".

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