I Just Lost My Job: How Am I Going To Tell My Kids?

Written by Judith Lindenberger

I Just Lost My Job: How Am I Going To Tell My Kids? By Judith Lindenberger

One ofrepparttar responsibilities of a human resources professional is to let employees know that their job has been eliminated. It is seldom easy to do and often painful forrepparttar 104854 person who is hearingrepparttar 104855 news.

Just recently, I was involved in communicating a large layoff to employees at a Fortune 500 company. I sat with one woman after she had heardrepparttar 104856 news to tell her aboutrepparttar 104857 career transition services she could take advantage of. The woman was in shock and not ready to hear about transition services for her self. She said out loud several times, “How am I going to tell my kids this?”

When I asked her why she would not want to tell her kids, she said that her teenage son had been having a hard year in school and she did not want to upset him. She asked my advice. Recently, my mother-in-law died. Losing a loved one and losing a job have similarities. Both involve losing something you love. Both involve change. I thought back to how my husband and I told our children that their grandmother had died. I remembered that we told themrepparttar 104858 truth, answered their questions and assured them that we would stay a strong family.

If you lose your job, here are some pointers for how to tell your children.

1.First, take care of you. Take stock ofrepparttar 104859 talents you have to offer another employer. Take stock ofrepparttar 104860 good things you have in your life.

2.If you have a “significant other” in your life, tell your partner before you tell your children.

3.Together, tellrepparttar 104861 kids. Use simple language and short sentences. Tellrepparttar 104862 truth. “I want to tell you some news. Today, my job was eliminated. The company eliminated many jobs, including mine, because they needed to save money.”

An Easy Way to End the Year

Written by Joanne Victoria

Article Title: An Easy Way to End The Year Author Name: Joanne Victoria Contact E-mail Address: joanne@joannevictoria.com Word Count: 479, including signature block Category: Business Development Copyright Date: 2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for publishing this article in its entirety includingrepparttar resource box. Please notify me of publication by sending either a website link or a copy of your ezine upon publication to: mailto:joanne@joannevictoria.com . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AN EASY WAY TO END THE YEAR

As a healthy business owner or independent professional, how do you end your year? Well, I tell my clients to stop working. That's right, stop working. The kind of work I'm talking about isrepparttar 104853 work of getting new business. There is no new business inrepparttar 104854 dark days of winter, justrepparttar 104855 clean up of old business. If you have clients that must spend in order to deduct prior to years’ end, go to it. This is for those who haverepparttar 104856 time to takerepparttar 104857 time.

Just stop. Take it easy. Take a day or more to clean out your space. Go through each document and get rid of as many as possible. If it's important, it will show up again. Don't answerrepparttar 104858 phone untilrepparttar 104859 bags are full. (Don't answerrepparttar 104860 phone until 10:30 a.m. anyway, just for this month.)

Remain calm during this hectic time.

Throw away all your old magazines. Don't subscribe to any new ones without an old one expiring. Check your e-mail subscriptions. Remove those you never read. Reviewrepparttar 104861 past year and identifyrepparttar 104862 intangibles that contributed to your success. Passion, attitude, commitment, integrity and perseverance are solid ingredients in business achievements.

Let go of everything in your life that drains you or is a burden. Look at your daytimer, starting from January 1. How much time was scheduled for you? How many new friends did you make this year? How many problem people will you eliminate fromrepparttar 104863 Rolodex of life? How much more time will there be for you or your new hobby?

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