I Dare You

Written by Oscar Bruce

I Dare You by Oscar Bruce

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I DARE YOU by Oscar Bruce

The world at large steals your youthful enthusiasm and unbridled confidence, piece by piece, bit by bit. Friends and relatives throw sand in your dream machine. They've conformed torepparttar 122738 pressures to become ordinary, and insist that you dorepparttar 122739 same. They compromised by downsizing their dreams and restricting their field of vision.

I DARE YOU to free your mind from these cultural constraints. To RESISTrepparttar 122740 pressure to become ordinary. To IGNORE those who give you're their version of why you can not rise above mediocrity.

I WANT TO CHALLENGE YOU to free yourself fromrepparttar 122741 shackles of your past conditioning, to breakrepparttar 122742 chains that bind you to false beliefs about what you can do with your life.

I DARE YOU to aim at something worthy ofrepparttar 122743 best that is in you. I maintain that you are a better, more capable person than you have experienced so far, or that others have led you to believe you are.

TODAYS PREVAILING IDEOLOGY IS NOT SELF IMPROVEMENT. It is self preservation. People no longer dream of surmounting difficulties to gain all they desire. Most people live in complete servitude torepparttar 122744 "survival mentality". They hope merely for "coping".

I AM PROMISING YOU that living aggressively changesrepparttar 122745 whole complexion of life. Not until you dare to attack will you master your fears completely. Suddenly you step into a new world of adventure. Horizons are pushed back on all sides. Opportunities open up that were previously unseen. The sleeping giant within you is stirred and awakened. On that priceless day you will discover that have a new power,repparttar 122746 power to rise aboverepparttar 122747 lives of those around you.

Do You Have What It Takes To Attract What You Want?

Written by Barbara Johnson

When you were a kid, did you play with magnets? They were almost magical, weren't they? It was always exhilarating to bringrepparttar magnet close to another object and to begin to feel that slight pulling sensation followed by the--snap--asrepparttar 122726 magnet andrepparttar 122727 other object became one. And, equally, it was always a little disappointing whenrepparttar 122728 magnet didn't stick torepparttar 122729 hoped-for object of attraction.

Discovery #1: The Laws of Attraction State "Like Attracts Like"

Do you know how a magnet works? At it's most basic; a piece of magnetized steel will only attract products of iron ore and not such things as wood or plastic. In other words, like attracts like.

Discovery #2: You Are Like a Magnet: What You Think Will Manifest Itself in Your Life

Do you think this magnetic principle is true in your ownlife? Do you believe that you can attractrepparttar 122730 things you want--like success, power, and self-confidence?

Human beings are like magnets andrepparttar 122731 principle holds true: like attracts like. Whatever is in your mind at any given moment isrepparttar 122732 thing you are inviting to come and live with you, just as a magnet "invites" iron ore, so too, you attractrepparttar 122733 things that are in your mind. If you affirm your positive thoughts, you will attract greater and greater good in your life. However,repparttar 122734 opposite is also true. If you affirm self doubt and worry thoughts, you will multiply these pessimistic affirmations and attract more and more negativity into your life.

Discovery #3: Visualization and Effort Will Lead to Achievement

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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