Written by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta

A couple of years ago, a teen flick came out -- Can't Hardly Wait -- that starred Jennifer Love Hewitt and Ethan Embry.

Whilerepparttar film was amusing, pulled allrepparttar 129782 right strings and made teeny-boppers cheer on, its title is a case of bad grammar.

Yup, saying, "I can't hardly wait" is bad grammar.


Because it's a double negative.

Consider this sentence: "I don't want no sympathy from you."

Now, let's assume thatrepparttar 129783 person who saidrepparttar 129784 above statement really doesn't want any sympathy. Butrepparttar 129785 sentence implies that whatrepparttar 129786 person doesn't want is no sympathy -- which means, he or she wants sympathy. However which way you look atrepparttar 129787 sentence, it is grammatically incorrect.

Ifrepparttar 129788 person doesn't want any sympathy, he/she should say it either:

I don't want sympathy from you.


I want no sympathy from you.

* The subtle double negatives

Writers and speakers who always strive to write or speak correct English have less problem on double negatives. However, some words used in a negative sense are not recognized as negatives right away. They are sometimes combined with another negative and form a subtle double negative.

Here is a list of these subtle negatives:

seldom but (used as "only"> just merely barely hardly except only scarcely neither ever rarely nothing nowhere

And here are examples ofrepparttar 129789 use of double negatives:

How to write a press release AND get it published

Written by Steve Nash

=> Summary

This article contains a checklist to writing a press release. And it includesrepparttar single most important ingredient of a press release, that will dramatically improve your chances of getting your news published.

=> Introduction

Firstly, let me say straight away that I am *not* an expert at writing press releases. Overrepparttar 129781 years, I have read and studied many articles on how to write a press release; I have then submitted my press release only to see them fail to get noticed by editors.

That's not to say thatrepparttar 129782 articles I read were poor - all offered good advice, but not inrepparttar 129783 format I wanted: a simple checklist.

So I created my own checklist to help me write a press release. A do-able step-by-step guide to writing a press release that makes writingrepparttar 129784 news release a straight-forward process.

And I was ready to write this article nine months ago, but something was missing from my press releases atrepparttar 129785 time - a vital ingredient - and so my press releases were still not getting published.

I am only writing this article NOW simply because my last press release WAS published, in several UK computer magazines. I am only writing this article NOW because I now know whatrepparttar 129786 missing ingredient is to a successful press release (that gets published). It's simple, really, *and* obvious! (Read on!)

Note: I'm still not an expert when it comes to writing a press release - you'll find links to experts atrepparttar 129787 bottom of this article - but I am much more confident that my press releases will get published now. And you can be confident too...

=> Press Release Checklist

o Step 1 - What's Your Story? o Step 2 - Think Like A Journalist o Step 3 - Mechanics Of Writing A Press Release o Step 4 - Example Layout Of A Press Release o Step 5 - Is Your Press Release Ready?

o The missing ingredient - K-I-S-S

o Appendix: Expert press release resources

So, what follows is advice distilled from many sources, organised in a way that allows you to followrepparttar 129788 basic steps of writing a press release. (And you can always find out more detailed information, should you need it, inrepparttar 129789 Appendix!)

What also follows isrepparttar 129790 vital ingredient missing from many how-to articles, that improve your chances of getting your news published...

=> Step 1 - What's Your Story?

1.1) Find your story, and develop it!

1.2) Position yourself as being different

1.3) Develop different angles

- holiday and event tie-in articles - tips, articles, advice - politically and socially important editorial tie-in articles - new, unique products, Internet innovations and developments - human interest angles - interpersonal relationships on difficult issues - unusual events, unique personal accomplishments, unusual creative ideas - humor and wisdom, fun and tragedy

Some suitable news-sources to aid your research: - http://news.bbc.co.uk - http://www.zdnet.com - http://www.backwash.com - http://www.moreover.com

=> Step 2 - Think Like A Journalist

2.1) What reasons would an editor want to publish your news (what benefits are there for them?) - is it relevant? - is it mildly interesting? - is it newsworthy?

2.2) Makerepparttar 129791 main benefitrepparttar 129792 headline -repparttar 129793 only purpose of your headline is to getrepparttar 129794 attention ofrepparttar 129795 editor, to get him/her to read your release - write headlines from prospects point of view (userepparttar 129796 words YOU, NEW and/or How To in headline)

2.3) Rememberrepparttar 129797 subtext

2.4) Remember K-I-S-S (keep it simple stupid!) - write for scannability; write short, punchy paragraphs

2.5) Remember to answer: "Who? Why? What? Where? When? & How?"

2.6) Writerepparttar 129798 press release so it can be put into a magazine, with just a few simple edits

=> Step 3 - Mechanics Of Writing A Press Release

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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