Written by Nancy Fraser

You enjoy what you do. In fact, you love your product and want to tell everyone about it.

Well, I hate to tell you this, but no one cares!

Think aboutrepparttar last major purchase you made…maybe a car …did you buy it becauserepparttar 120100 salesman told you about allrepparttar 120101 features it had …or did you buy it because you would spend less on fuel and maintenance and have more money to spend on eating out or make up or your favourite hobby. Maybe it’s as simple as wanting to feel and look successful.

Rather than participate inrepparttar 120102 herd mentality you see and hear in advertising everyday, do something different. Speak torepparttar 120103 motivation of your prospective customers.

A review of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a good place to start.

The base ofrepparttar 120104 pyramid is made up of those who are just coping with life and want basic physiological needs fulfillment: food, shelter, and clothing.

Measuring ROI or Is My Brand Working?

Written by Nancy Fraser

You are doing yourself a disservice in you measurerepparttar impact and effectiveness of marketing and branding only onrepparttar 120099 bottom line. There are far too many facets ofrepparttar 120100 success equation to reducerepparttar 120101 final assessment to that alone. Ultimatelyrepparttar 120102 bottom line will increase but if we expect immediate results and they don’t happen to translate into money right away, it’s easy to think things aren’t working and give up too early inrepparttar 120103 process.

The value of reputation, relationships, brand awareness and consumer attitudes, related to your business, are impossible to measure based solely on financial returns.

A thorough evaluation of where your business is now, andrepparttar 120104 identification ofrepparttar 120105 next most important goal, is a good place to start.

Other measures of ROI are:

Ønumber of leads generated Øtotal sales revenue generated Øchange in awareness of your brand – buzz inrepparttar 120106 marketplace Øchange in market share Øchange in buying pattern re products, days etc. Øchange in intent to buy Øincrease in incremental sales revenue Øcustomer retention

The alignment of marketing and business strategy has resulted in recognition ofrepparttar 120107 importance of marketing to overall business success. Funds are no longer being taken from marketing depart- ments as a first remedy to a shortfall elsewhere . All of that has resulted in an increased expectation of accountability for results.

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