Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Parties range from quick get-togethers to very elegant, formal affairs. If you arerepparttar host/hostess,repparttar 111609 bulk ofrepparttar 111610 responsibility lies on your shoulders. So make an impression that will knockrepparttar 111611 socks off of all your guests. You are not a professional caterer - you don’t have to be. A few simple tricks or tips and you are an entertainment specialist.

Mix crisp pieces of cooked bacon, crumbled, with your buttery string beans or userepparttar 111612 bacon as a garnish on top of egg salad, deviled eggs, tomato slices, or potato salad.

Serving steaks or roast beef? Whip butter with your favorite herb (such as garlic, scallions, basil, etc.) in a mixer. Using a small scoop, serve a “ball” of this seasoned butter with your meat entree. You can even use your little treasures on top of hot vegetables. Elegant, indeed!

Serving just plain ole’ potato chips? Try using melted grated cheese (cheddar is great or even pepperjack for a bit more bite), or buyrepparttar 111613 salt-free and add a seasoned salt. Your guests will be pleasantly surprised.

Serving soup? Try tiny cream cheese balls that you have rolled in parsley or chopped chives. Place a few inrepparttar 111614 steaming bowl of soup and you have soup par exellance!


Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Withrepparttar change in seasons comes all kinds of new activities. Fishing season in many locations is just beginning to open up. The “Catch ofrepparttar 111608 Day” can be anything fromrepparttar 111609 size of a swordfish to a petite minnow. Whatever it is, it is a triumph and should be treated withrepparttar 111610 respect it deserves

Fish is such a versatile entree. You can bake, broil, fry, steam, and grill it. The flesh ofrepparttar 111611 fish is delicate and tender. Of course, if it is a humpback whale, it may take time to find appropriate recipes. But whateverrepparttar 111612 type, or size, preparing fish is relatively easy and it does taste better because someone you know caught it.

Crappie and Bluegill - should be deboned. The tender filet can be covered in butter cracker crumbs such as Ritz Crackers, in cornmeal or in flour and added spices. Lightly panfryrepparttar 111613 little beauties until golden brown, drain on paper towels and serve. Tartar sauce can be used or just a slice of lemon. A sprinkling of chopped parsley overrepparttar 111614 fish and you have a beautiful platter to present. Accompaniments: French fries, coleslaw, and fresh fruit. A feast forrepparttar 111615 eyes as well asrepparttar 111616 palate! Dessert idea: German Chocolate Cake slices

Stuffed Fish: A whole fish adds drama to any dinner setting. It makes for a very impressive main course for a formal dinner. Ingredients: 2-4 lb. whole fish, such as sea bass or trout

2 Tbs. melted butter Stuffing: 1 tbs. butter

1 onion, small, very finely chopped 1 cup fresh breadcrumbs, white (non-seasoned)

4 ozs. fresh mushrooms, chopped

1 hard-cooked egg, peeled and chopped

a sprinkling of salt and pepper 1 tsp. fresh garden dill 2 tsp. chopped fresh curly parsley Just a pinch of nutmeg Sauce: 1/2 cup dairy sour cream

Just a sprinkling of sugar

1/2 lemon (for juice and for grated rind)

Sprinkling of salt and pepper Chopped parsley as garnish

Filet your fish and remove all bones, leavingrepparttar 111617 body intact, includingrepparttar 111618 head and tail. Sprinklerepparttar 111619 inside ofrepparttar 111620 cavity with salt and pepper. Place torepparttar 111621 side. Preparerepparttar 111622 stuffing. Meltrepparttar 111623 butter in a pan and addrepparttar 111624 chopped onion and mushrooms. Saute gently until tender but not too soft. Stir inrepparttar 111625 remaining stuffing ingredients. Using a spoon, spreadrepparttar 111626 stuffing inrepparttar 111627 inner cavity ofrepparttar 111628 fish as evenly as possible. Placerepparttar 111629 entire fish in foil that is coated with butter. Placerepparttar 111630 foil-covered fish on a cookie sheet. Bake in a preheated oven (350) degrees for 35-40 mins. Openrepparttar 111631 foil wrap about half way throughrepparttar 111632 baking time, and baste with some melted butter.

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