Written by Stacey Kumagai

Contact: Stacey Kumagai at 818/506.8675



Calabasas, CA – Information is power. So is a strong immune system. Overrepparttar past few decades, fear and helplessness has beenrepparttar 115643 focus ofrepparttar 115644 common cold/flu, Swine Flu, E-coli bacteria, HIV/AIDS and most recently SARS. Four Mountains, Inc., is a privately held Clinical & Research Laboratory dedicated to synthesizing all available data inrepparttar 115645 fields of alternative medicine, disease prevention, wholistic mind/body health and anti-aging technology. And they are unveiling what is likelyrepparttar 115646 most advanced, comprehensive, wholistic, and effective Immune Support Program inrepparttar 115647 world.

"Some doctors are tellingrepparttar 115648 public thatrepparttar 115649 immune system cannot be strengthened and there is nothing we can do to increase resistance to infections, but these old fashioned opinions do not square withrepparttar 115650 evidence. The human immune system CAN be augmented and amplified! One vitamin or herb won't do it alone, that's true. But, if you supplyrepparttar 115651 immune system with allrepparttar 115652 hundreds of nutritive materials it

New Age Self Care

Written by Ed Howes

The current health care crisis inrepparttar United States isrepparttar 115642 result of compound errors. The first, not understanding that what we call health care is not health care at all. It is actually a disease management system that treats symptoms and ignores causes, which remain unknown torepparttar 115643 20th Century medical establishment. In other words, medicine is not about health, it is about disease, orrepparttar 115644 absence of health. Most often, if disease is cured at all, and it usually is not, health is not a result ofrepparttar 115645 cure.

The idea that drugs, surgery and radiation cure disease is a false one, sold torepparttar 115646 public by robber drug companies and medical bureaucrats. These people have no interest in controlling costs torepparttar 115647 consumer but in maximizing profits and incomes. It is not about health butrepparttar 115648 business of disease. There is no incentive to cure anyone. The incentive is to cause complications and side effects that keep patients seeking treatment for a lifetime.

Toxemia isrepparttar 115649 chief cause of disease. Nutritional deficiencies are next. We are taking poisons and chemicals into our bodies throughrepparttar 115650 air we breathe,repparttar 115651 liquids we drink andrepparttar 115652 foods we eat. Science and technology have plunged us into a sea of poison. For every combination of poisons there are different symptoms of different disease. Modern doctors treat poisoning by prescribing expensive new poisons that create new diseases and symptoms. Privately, they just scratch their heads. Publicly, they insist thatrepparttar 115653 right combination of poisons will solve our problems. We only need to take new medicines until we findrepparttar 115654 right combination or we die inrepparttar 115655 attempt to cure.

Governments decrease poisons like lead and mercury in our environment and with industry create a hundred new ones. It will take centuries to clean up our environment until we learn to live without all these poisons we are told make life better.

Toxins are often cumulative and reactive to other toxins. Hence we need to cleanse our bodies of accumulations on a regular basis. We can choose foods, herbs and dietary supplements that detoxify our bodies of many poisons or minimizerepparttar 115656 damage they cause. We can cleanse vital organs like our colons, livers, kidneys, gall bladders and blood using good information that is readily available in health literature.

We changerepparttar 115657 oil, fuel, filters, and fluids in our cars because they become contaminated and will cause problems if we don't adhere to factory scheduled maintenance procedures. Does it make less sense to dorepparttar 115658 same for our own bodies? If we won't dorepparttar 115659 maintenance ourselves, who will do it? In truth, there are health practices aroundrepparttar 115660 world, whererepparttar 115661 focus is detoxification and body maintenance. Look for information about cleansing and detoxification.

Cleansing can be an unpleasant experience, like medicine was inrepparttar 115662 first half ofrepparttar 115663 last century, or like shoveling outrepparttar 115664 family outhouse before indoor plumbing. Once you have done it, you notice improvements in all kinds of health complaints and regular maintenance is much more pleasant. After major cleansing, dietary cleansing is both attractive and effective.

Unless we enjoy cleansing and we might, it makes sense to reduce our exposure to environmental poisons. Common sense tells us we are usually much less exposed if we do not live in cities, where poisons are much more highly concentrated. No matter where we choose to live, we can do a lot to reduce our exposure in our home environment.

We can buy effective filters to remove chlorine from our household water supply, for a relatively low cost. Because we bathe in hot water that opens our pores and breatherepparttar 115665 steam from hot water, especially in showers, it is better to filterrepparttar 115666 entire supply than to simply clean our drinking water. No matter what public water utilities say, they are not to be trusted. They usually poison your water to protect you from bacteria and virus. Trading biological poisons for chemical poison isrepparttar 115667 height of foolishness. Filtration systems vary widely in price andrepparttar 115668 range of toxins they will remove from utility water. There are very good drinking water systems at a reasonable cost and fairly easy to maintain. Many health authorities claim distilled water isrepparttar 115669 best for drinking. Distillers are usually electric and require about 2500 watts per gallon. Solar distillers are available in various capacities and can be home built.

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