Written by Ilene Fudim

IS THE BEST RETIREMENT BUSINESS RIGHT FOR YOU? By Ilene Fudim. According torepparttar Coin Laundry Association, laundry centers and coin laundries average a powerful 20 to 30% return on investment. A successful laundry owner offers 6 powerful insights on why you too can and should achieve great financial rewards with part- time effort. Are you ready to joinrepparttar 103861 ranks ofrepparttar 103862 many successful entrepreneurs like Dan King who are "cleaning-up" in today's commercial laundry industry? With stock market fluctuations and an uncertain economy, many Americans have a difficult time finding investments that can survive recessions and economic downturns. However,repparttar 103863 commercial laundry business with its 20 to 30% ROI is almost recession proof. In fact both Dun and Bradstreet andrepparttar 103864 SBA have cited it as one ofrepparttar 103865 10 top safest business investments one can make. Believe it or not, that’s just one ofrepparttar 103866 many powerful reasons so many retirees are looking to invest in their own laundry stores. The fact is that coin laundries and vended laundries are one ofrepparttar 103867 most advantageous part-time and retirement businesses that exist. AN OWNER LISTS THE BENEFITS According to Dan King, owner of several coin laundries in Southern California, “I highly recommend investing in this industry – it has worked wonderfully well for me and it can for you. Before I invested I considered 6 major benefits that Laundry Center ownership offered and that no other investment provided."

1. First, I didn’t have to give up my regular job. I found that Coin Laundries basically run themselves, which was great for me because I was looking for an absentee manager situation. The fact is they require just a couple of hours a week and are so easy to operate that basically anyone, anywhere can own one or more.

2. I also likedrepparttar 103868 fact that this is a ‘turn-key’ business, where you don’t need staff onrepparttar 103869 premises. You can set your laundry to stay open 24 hours a day, or you can have an automatic door-locking system on a timer set to open and close when you choose. I personally keep my laundry stores open full-time and that works well for my customers and for me.

3. Another benefit is that you can own a laundry near your home or further away. They thrive in every state ofrepparttar 103870 union. Coin laundries can be placed in virtually all neighborhood shopping centers and perform exceptionally well in renter-occupied, densely populated, lower-income areas. Your average customer will berepparttar 103871 estimated 89 million people who live in rental housing, which isrepparttar 103872 fastest-growing housing segment inrepparttar 103873 nation.

4. Even better, this is an “All Cash” business with no inventory and no accounts receivables. You can expect a high return on investment, liquidity, tax benefits, and fast growing equity. Whatever your cash down payment is atrepparttar 103874 time of purchase, you can typically expect to get back within seven years, or sooner. Like buying a house, equity builds and you ultimately can expect a substantial profit.

The new Customer Relationship Management CRM functions

Written by J.C.Melo

Publishing Guidelines: You may publish my article in your newsletter, on your website or in your print publication provided you includerepparttar resource box atrepparttar 103860 end. Notification would be appreciated but is not required. The new Customer Relationship Management CRM functions By J.C.Melo The Customer Relationship Management CRM system was born because ofrepparttar 103861 need for a software to analyze customer's data - as for example its preferences - changing rough data that usually exists in any customer's database, into important information aboutrepparttar 103862 same customer. That is to say, a new modern sales & marketing tool. In this first periodrepparttar 103863 data of an online and real-time accounting & management system was analyzed by this stand-alone CRM software, and inrepparttar 103864 following period those accounting & management systems integrated this initial marketing & sales functions of a CRM. Soon after, this new accounting & management system - now integrated withrepparttar 103865 CRM functions - included a Call Center system ofrepparttar 103866 last generation with or without a voice processing system - input and output - throughrepparttar 103867 telephone system usually so loved by us. Soon after appeared an obvious question: Ifrepparttar 103868 CRM support my customers, why don't change it to support allrepparttar 103869 external functions of my company, as for example my suppliers, distributors, representatives, branches, affiliated companies, employees's families, etc., each one with different needs and processings?

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