Written by dan the roommate man

Onrepparttar subject of moving in with a friend, I really don't have much experience. I still live with my folks. The way I see it, why move out when I have free housing and free food here at home? I'm only 18, so I'm still trying to save money. But if I did move out, I definitely would not move in with a friend. Onrepparttar 110526 contrary, I haven't had much luck with long-term friendships anyway. I've seen many come and go, but only one true friend has lasted. I don't want to ruin that by moving in with her. Let me tell you why.

There are many, many reasons I can give you. But I'll start with this one. Surely, everybody has a best friend. Surely, everyone realizes that if you're with them too long, they begin to irritate you. Now think about what it would be like to live with them. You'll begin to notice little things they do that can be nerve-racking. Whether it's biting their nails, constantly flipping throughrepparttar 110527 TV channels, or always brushing their hair. Inrepparttar 110528 case of living with them, maybe you didn't know that they snore loudly, or that their bodily functions could smell so bad.

Those are justrepparttar 110529 little things. Did you ever think aboutrepparttar 110530 bigger and more important issues? Think aboutrepparttar 110531 rent payments,repparttar 110532 electricity bills, andrepparttar 110533 water bills. I've had some friends that were pretty bad at keeping a job. Even if they did have a job, they were never there. If they can't keep a job, they definitely couldn't keep up on payments. Sooner or later they'd be mooching gas money off you after they've carelessly spent what little money they had on candy bars, pizza, or video games.

I'm sure everyone has seenrepparttar 110534 scenario on TV and in movies. Your roommate isrepparttar 110535 party animal, while you onrepparttar 110536 other hand, have your nose inrepparttar 110537 books. That can really happen. Your friend could have tons of people over helping themselves to your stashes of food and listening to loud music while you're inrepparttar 110538 back room trying to study for examsrepparttar 110539 next day.


Written by dan the roommate man

Is it possible to negotiate better terms on your lease? It could be worth a try. What do you have to lose? Here are a few tactics to try:

* Askrepparttar landlord how many vacant units are inrepparttar 110525 building.

* Bring a competitors ad with you when you viewrepparttar 110526 apartment.

* Ask for a “move-in special” ifrepparttar 110527 building is ne or under construction.

* Ask for a two or three year lease (if you need a longer than a typical one year lease) withrepparttar 110528 current rate locked in forrepparttar 110529 duration ofrepparttar 110530 entire lease. Be careful of this. Some two year leases can come up for an increase atrepparttar 110531 end ofrepparttar 110532 first year.

* Point out needed repairs inrepparttar 110533 apartment. This isrepparttar 110534 time to mention that you feel that you could live with it for a reduction in rent.

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