Written by Stephen R. Renfrow

Talk atrepparttar "cooler" about investing, is usually around Stocks. Although I make money in Commodities, there is a "safe" way - that banks and investment houses use, but they won't tell You!

How about a product that returns 12 - 42%, is 100% insured and backed byrepparttar 112790 assets ofrepparttar 112791 wealthiest institutions onrepparttar 112792 planet. Your banker takes your "CD" money and invests in this vehicle. Now you can turnrepparttar 112793 tables with this special insurance contract.

Earn ROR equivalent to, or exceeding,repparttar 112794 equity markets! Without any market risk or risk to principal - Guaranteed!!!

Its called a Viatical Settlement - and here is how it works.

Viatical Settlement -repparttar 112795 sale of a life insurance policy at a discounted rate to a group of investors by a person who is inrepparttar 112796 advanced stages of a terminal illness.

The Investors holdrepparttar 112797 policy and receiverepparttar 112798 full face value ofrepparttar 112799 policy at maturity. A win-win situation. The "viator" is able to enjoyrepparttar 112800 cash proceeds of his policy while still alive, andrepparttar 112801 investor receives substantial returns that have been g'teed by a major life insurance co. as well asrepparttar 112802 state's g'tee fund. This means it's safer than a bank CD for amounts over $100,000.

You Have More Money in Your Pocket Than You Think

Written by Gabriel Nijmeh

You Have More Money in Your Pocket Than You Think... by Gabriel Nijmeh

Let me berepparttar first person to say, "Why wasn't I smarter with my money?" I look back overrepparttar 112789 years in amazement at how my money "innocently" slipped through my hands.

Ultimately, beyond those fleeting moments of gratification, I can't really say I have much to show for some of my misspent money. I certainly don't want to be a killjoy or anything and I don't advocate being a penny-pinching scrooge that doesn't enjoy life but there are small, yet significant steps you can take to keep more money in your pocket.

Just offrepparttar 112790 top of my head I came up with these and you can probably add a heck of a lot more torepparttar 112791 list. Here we go:

Bank Service Charges:

We all know how our banks love to nickel and dime us. For reasons such as not maintaining a $1000 monthly balance or using another banks ATM machine. Whateverrepparttar 112792 reason these small fees quickly add up over time. Pay attention to your bank statements and review all bank documentation regarding service fees. You are looking at savings of $4 to $15/month.

Magazine/newspaper subscriptions:

Visit your local library or subscribe to magazines that offer professional/courtesy subscriptions. lists various free publications across a range of subjects. Otherwise, carefully pick and chooserepparttar 112793 magazines you really want to subscribe to and look out for introductory subscription rates.

Stop smoking:

Preachy, I know... but that's a lot of money going up in smoke (pun intended!). Not only is this good for your wallet but for your health as well and if you are applying for life insurance, your premiums will be lower because you are classified as a lower risk individual. At $4 a pack and two packs a week that's $32/month.

Telephone services:

Do you need all those bundled services (call waiting, call answer, call forward). Pick onlyrepparttar 112794 services you absolutely need otherwise save at least $5-10/month.

Books and CDs:

Why pay full price when you can get a "gently used" or "previously enjoyed" copy of that best seller for a fraction ofrepparttar 112795 price. I have bought CDs from local used CD stores that were almost brand new and saved $8-9 offrepparttar 112796 retail price for each CD.

Rebate Programs:

Always take advantage of rebate programs. It might be a hassle to fill outrepparttar 112797 forms and send them off but your savings will add up. Check out or

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