INDIA - New Patent Act - The Controversies

Written by P.M.George Kutty

India finally amended its Patents Act and Rules to become fully compliant with TRIPS on 26th Decemer 2004 by an Ordinance and followed byrepparttar Act being passed in January 2005. The black box applications filed underrepparttar 143925 WTO brand from 1/1/1995 were opened for processing. Even thoughrepparttar 143926 amendment opens all areas of technolgy in respect of product patents, some controversies have been created inrepparttar 143927 interpretation ofrepparttar 143928 amendments. Product patent applications inrepparttar 143929 field of food and chemicals in general which have been filed before 1/1/2005 and are under process have been denied product protection and restricted to process patent only.The patent office view is that sincerepparttar 143930 Act before amendment, by section 5(1)(b) was not allowingrepparttar 143931 product patent,repparttar 143932 amendment can be effected for product patent in these fields only for applications filed after 1/1/2005. Of course inrepparttar 143933 case of black box applications inrepparttar 143934 filed of drugs product patents are being granted.

Intellectual Property - What it is

Written by P.M.George Kutty

Intellectual Property - What it is

Intellectual Property (often just called "IP") is a general term covering patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights, geographical indications and in some countriesrepparttar concept of "unfair competition". It is, asrepparttar 143924 name suggests,repparttar 143925 intangible personal property arising from intellectual creation. Since intangible, owner of intellectual property cannot build a fence around it as with real estate or place it in a bank locker as with valuables. To addressrepparttar 143926 situation, governments have created a variety of forms of intellectual property protection. Types of Intellectual Property Protection Some ofrepparttar 143927 more common types of intellectual property protection are Patents, Trade Marks, Designs, Copyrights and Geographical Indications.

Patents are by farrepparttar 143928 most technically demanding branches of intellectual property. In basic terms, a patent is a monopoly right granted byrepparttar 143929 government to a person who has invented a new useful articles or an improvement of an article or a new process of making an article. It is a negative right, granted to exclude others from making, using or sellingrepparttar 143930 invention within a certain jurisdiction for a limited period of time. A patent granted by a patent office is applicable withinrepparttar 143931 geographical boundaries of that country only. There is no International or World Patent. An inventor has to file an application in each country, where he seeks to protect his invention. There are regional and/or International treaties to facilitaterepparttar 143932 procedure to seek protection likerepparttar 143933 European Patent Organization (EPO) andrepparttar 143934 Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT). Trade Marks popularly known as brand name, is an identification symbol which may be a word, a device, a label or numeral etc. or a combination of word and design, a slogan or even a distinctive sound, which identifies and distinguishesrepparttar 143935 goods or services of one party from those of another. Used to identify a service, it can be called a Service Mark. In general,repparttar 143936 term trademark can be used to refer to both trademarks and service marks. Normally, a trademark for goods isrepparttar 143937 word or design that appears onrepparttar 143938 product or on its packaging, while a service mark is usuallyrepparttar 143939 word or design that is used in advertising to identifyrepparttar 143940 source or provider ofrepparttar 143941 services. Registration of a trademark is not mandatory, but does confer very substantial commercial benefits. When taking legal action against others, registered trademark users need only base their case onrepparttar 143942 registration, whereas users of unregistered trademarks must rely exclusively on passing off for protection. Suing for infringement of a trademark is much simpler than launching a common law action for passing off to protect any unregistered trade mark. The Concept of 'passing off ' is common law remedy and it is available for a trademark or a trade name onrepparttar 143943 basis of 'prior user' status. Designs means only features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament applied to any article by any industrial process or means, whether manual, mechanical or chemical, separate or combined, which inrepparttar 143944 finished article appeal to and are judged solely byrepparttar 143945 eye, but does not include any mode or principle of construction or anything with is in substance a mere mechanical device, and does include any trade mark. A design in order to be registrable must be new or original not previously published.

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