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I'm Broke, How Can I Afford...
- by Rob Taylor
(c) 2004 Megastep International - Worldwide Rights Reserved
I’m still amazed every time someone comes to me complaining that they don’t have any money to put into their business and that they’re broke. I mean what have you been doing with your money man?!?
Plain Truth: If you don’t have any money you won’t make it my friend… it’s that simple. You have to at least have some money. Say $200-$500. I don’t care what
self-styled slick gurus tell you. If you’re flat out of cash your dead in
water before you can even start.
Now let me tell you another thing…. I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE BROKE! You’re a liar and a self deluded one at that if you think you are.
I mean how many Starbucks or soda do you drink a day? How many beers a week do you drink? How many cigarettes do you smoke? How much meat do you eat? How many new clothes have you bought in
last month? How many “gifts” have you just had to buy? How many magazines or newspapers have you bought this month? How many CD’s? How many snacks? How much candy do you eat a week? How many TV dinners? How much fast food have you been eating? How much did you spend on
lottery? How much did your TV cost you? How much money do you give to your church? How much are your monthly car payments?
So these are really essential to living are they?…. No they’re not, they’re self-indulgent habits! Nothing wrong with that if you can AFFORD them. But you tell me you’re broke! Wake up! Ding-dong!
I used to walk
streets with no-more than $3 bucks in my pocket to last me
day. Yes I did that for months on end until something happened. I got mad, real mad. Not at
world but with myself.
You see I have always had a dream of being personally free, being self-reliant, totally in charge of my time and cash flow, beholden to no-one... not government, not masters, not gurus.
Now walking around with $3 bucks aient much fun. It hurts in
pit of your stomach. And when I only had $7 a day to feed my family (yup there were others my pathetic state was impacting) I can tell you, I felt at times of doing something pretty dumb to my body and mind… and occasionally did.
If you live in
Western world, you live in
richest part of
planet with
most opportunities
world has ever seen at any point in
history of
human race.
If you want to see poverty take a trip to India or any other developing country. I have, and what I saw made me realize my $3 a day “poverty-trap” was simply an ego-trip. Kids working from 5am to 10pm every day for crumbs of bread. Rags and bones. So please don’t tell me you’re broke and poor, you don’t know
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