Hypnotic Mental Development

Written by Alan Tutt

Hypnotic Mental Development by Alan Tutt http://www.KeysToPower.com

I have seen a huge interest in hypnosis overrepparttar last few weeks. I have also seen that there is limited interest in developing intelligence and creativity. Memory is still a topic with many followers, especially those trying to find a surefire method of remembering everything without effort.

The human mind has incredible powers. Our mind is capable of processing huge amounts of information at once, and is able to sort out a form of order from sensory chaos. As infants, we are placed in a world where nothing is familiar, yet we learn physics (balance, motion, cause & effect, gravity, momentum, etc.), language, some degree of psychology, and millions of details which are now processed at an unconscious level such as identifying objects fromrepparttar 129295 mass of visual information fed into our brain (something our highly developed computers still struggle with).

Not only this, but our minds have powers which are still being discovered. Only inrepparttar 129296 last century has psychic perception been accepted as a scientific fact. Prayer itself has been scientifically tested and found to be a statistically valid exercise. While science has not found out why these abilities exist and what makes them work, it is agreed thatrepparttar 129297 process is, at least in part, a mental one.

There is still much research being done. How does one develop these abilities to a point of being reliable? Which techniques arerepparttar 129298 best to use? What arerepparttar 129299 factors that influence a person's ability to use these mental skills? Are genetic factors involved? Are environmental factors important? How powerful can one mind become?

These are questions I struggled with during my research. While I do not claim to have concrete answers, I have been able to develop my own abilities andrepparttar 129300 abilities of many people I've worked with. There are some good systems readily available, although I find some degree of fault with almost all of them. The Silva Method is excellent. Max Freedom Long's book "The Secret Science Behind Miracles" gives some very fascinating insights to these higher abilities ofrepparttar 129301 mind. Many books on shamanism give reasonably good instruction on developing your skills in this area. Any book by Joseph Murphy or Catherine Ponder will give many good examples of one form of mental power at work.

Finding Happiness

Written by Alan Tutt

Finding Happiness by Alan Tutt http://www.KeysToPower.com

Happiness is a choice.

This may come as a bold statement for many, yet it isrepparttar absolute truth. In almost any situation we find ourselves, we can choose to be happy if we want to. Obviously, this is more difficult to do in some situations than in others. For example, if we are in physical pain, it's very difficult to focus our minds on happiness. And when we are experiencing something pleasurable, happiness almost comes on it's own.

In our modern world, we rarely experience physical pain. Most ofrepparttar 129294 situations we find ourselves unhappy in are simply situations that don't meet our expectations. A friend who betrays our trust, a life partner that is dishonest or unfaithful, a boss that is difficult and demanding. These arerepparttar 129295 types of situations that we can choose to be happy in if we set our mental focus properly.

But how do we find happiness inrepparttar 129296 midst of these situations? Or, on a more basic level, how do we control our emotions to be what we want them to be? And an even more basic question, why would we want to?

Let's start withrepparttar 129297 most basic question, why would we want to control our emotions and make them be something other than those expected?

One ofrepparttar 129298 core principles inrepparttar 129299 Keys To Power system (and many New Thought systems) is thatrepparttar 129300 Power of Spirit is directed byrepparttar 129301 thoughts and feelings within us to create our experiences. This means that when we're thinking and feeling happy thoughts, Power will be directed to create happy experiences. When we think and feel unhappy thoughts, Power is directed to create unhappy experiences. This 'Law of Power' works just as surely and accurately as any other natural Law, such as gravity.

Most people understandrepparttar 129302 basic concepts here, so I won't go into detail here. If you need more detail, read through some ofrepparttar 129303 ebooks inrepparttar 129304 Download section of this site. What continually amazes me, however, isrepparttar 129305 number of people who will agree withrepparttar 129306 concepts just mentioned, yet will do nothing to implement them into their lives!

But maybe that is because they don't really know how. Which gets us torepparttar 129307 next question, how do we control our emotions to be what we want them to be?

To get torepparttar 129308 answer to that question, we need to understand howrepparttar 129309 emotions work. Not an easy task, and a full description would take far too much time and space to include here. But in essence,repparttar 129310 emotions react to mental stimulus. This means thatrepparttar 129311 combination of our thoughts, beliefs, mental images, and perceptions ofrepparttar 129312 world around us work together to create our emotions.

The sight of a mountain can arouse feelings of pride in one person, and feelings of failure in another. Obviously,repparttar 129313 sight ofrepparttar 129314 mountain itself did not createrepparttar 129315 feelings, or everyone would feelrepparttar 129316 same way about seeing a mountain. Hearing thatrepparttar 129317 stock market dropped 500 points will make one person feel likerepparttar 129318 end ofrepparttar 129319 world is at hand, yet make someone else feel that a grand opportunity has arrived. And on a more personal level, finding out that your spouse has engaged in extramarital affairs can be either a blessing or a curse torepparttar 129320 relationship, depending on how you look at it.

So, to control our emotions, we need to controlrepparttar 129321 mental stimulus that creates those emotions.

One ofrepparttar 129322 most basic (and most effective) mental stimulus isrepparttar 129323 judgment that we place onrepparttar 129324 interpretation of each event. When we judge an event to be bad, our emotional reaction is negative and unhappiness results. If we judge an event to be good, then happiness is much more likely. In many motivational programs, you will findrepparttar 129325 instruction to label all experiences as good, and then to search forrepparttar 129326 goodness inrepparttar 129327 experience. If you lose your job, claim "this is good" and then go about looking forrepparttar 129328 good in losing your job. It's usuallyrepparttar 129329 opportunity to find a better means of employment.

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