Hurry Up!! Get Rich??

Written by Gail Hornback

If you have an email address, then you've heard aboutrepparttar latest "Get-Rich" Program out. They come and go in waves, andrepparttar 117972 newest one seems to be cresting. This one is called MyListMaker. And before I say anything else, I want you to know I am NOT saying it is any kind of scam or that it WON'T get you rich. It very well could. It has some new twists, and makes some new promises that others have not made. And I have no doubt that many of you have paid repparttar 117973 fee and joined this program. If and when you DO start seeing some return, I would LOVE to hear from you. If you haven't yet put any money into it, just be sure you carefully considerrepparttar 117974 pros and cons of these types of programs before you makerepparttar 117975 decision to invest in one of these programs.

Let's look atrepparttar 117976 details of this one in particular:

This program is based on a 3x10 forced matrix. You get 3 people on your first level, whom all have 3 on theirs, down through 10 levels. Everyone has to sign up 4 members, andrepparttar 117977 "spillover" is placed (forced) into existing downlines.

To getrepparttar 117978 most out of this program, you need to refer four people inrepparttar 117979 first three days after you join, and it will build a mailing list of up to 80,000 addresses for you. PLUS, you earn $10 per referral, which hasrepparttar 117980 potential of making you $800,000. Pretty darn tempting. Even WITHOUTrepparttar 117981 referral fees, what a person couldn't do with a mailing list of 80,000 addresses, right? We'll talk about that part in a minute.

*Refer 4 people in 3 days, you get $10 for every referral. *Refer 4 people in 7 days, you get $5 " " " " . *Refer 4 people after 7 days, you get $1 " " " ".

They pay NOTHING until you have referred 4 paying members. (Membership is $89.) And don't overlookrepparttar 117982 part ofrepparttar 117983 member agreement that says that you won't get paid until your account reaches $200.00. They give you no information about what happens to any money in an account that does not reachrepparttar 117984 $200.00 minimum payment amount. And they also state that they make no guarantees as to how much money you can earn.

My biggest problem with this, and any other similar MLM program is that they sell no tangible products!!! The money is earned by recruiting new members. You are basically getting a portion of what others' pay to join. So, there is no real incoming revenue. It is basically just money being passed around. And at $89 per member, for someone to wind up with $800,000, (or even an eighth of that amount!) there are going to have to be a LOT of members that don't earn a dime.


Written by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

In September, 1830repparttar Right Honorable William Huskisson, M.P., a fast-rising English politician, turned up atrepparttar 117971 opening ofrepparttar 117972 Manchester Railroad, to see The Future.

Somehow, a man who many thought would end up Prime Minister, couldn't figure out how to get offrepparttar 117973 track, so that whenrepparttar 117974 first train started towards him -- he stood there and got run over, thereby becomingrepparttar 117975 first well-known person to succumb torepparttar 117976 dawning Railway Age.

Predictably there was an uproar with hotter heads feeling sure that banning railroads wasrepparttar 117977 only solution to such fatalities. The fact that Huskisson was notoriously near-sighted was lost sight of. The fact thatrepparttar 117978 casualty was himself responsible forrepparttar 117979 result wasn't nearly as good copy as calling for a ban onrepparttar 117980 hottest transportation development ofrepparttar 117981 19th century.

Hmmm. It all looks familiar to me, as daily more members ofrepparttar 117982 Chicken Little League cackle to high heaven thatrepparttar 117983 e-commerce sky is falling.

My, my how they cluck. But you know, two centuries from nowrepparttar 117984 Internet will still be here, working its wonders, just as (the last time I checked) there were trains.

The real issue is keeping your head while all about you people are losing theirs. Hence these recommendations on how you can profit inrepparttar 117985 current uncertain Web environment and position yourself forrepparttar 117986 absolutely certain future profit to come.

Recommendation #1: You're Going To Have To Work Hard To Achieve Online Success

Far too many people onrepparttar 117987 Internet still haverepparttar 117988 crazy idea that success online is inevitable, effortless, thoughtless, casual. It's not. Far from it. Becauserepparttar 117989 Internet is a new environment, it demands extra attention and more work than you'd have to perform if, say, you opened a standard retail shop.

Thus, you must make how to succeed online a subject of continual study. The 'net is still, after all, to a considerable degree a trial and error environment. That's good for people who like to use their wits to solve problems; not so good for people whose goal is to perfect their skills as Couch Potatoes.

The people who will succeed inrepparttar 117990 next phase will be, to a person, energetic go-getters, thinkers, and experimenters. The Internet is a gigantic laboratory, where millions of people are trying this and that. The people who approach repparttar 117991 task as WORK and not a day inrepparttar 117992 park, arerepparttar 117993 ones who standrepparttar 117994 best chance of success.

Frankly, I'm appaled byrepparttar 117995 habits of most Internet "marketers" and "business people." Probably because such well-publicized success came to a few online marketers so early (usually through inflated stock prices),repparttar 117996 idea took root that all you had to do was turn-up to grab your own brass ring.

This comfortable idea, so in tune withrepparttar 117997 prevailing "Take it easy" culture that most people find so appealing, is slow to die. But if YOU want success, you've got to kill it, root and branch. Can you do it?

Recommendation #2: Get The Tools You Need

The sad fact is that millions of people are trying to profit online without havingrepparttar 117998 tools they need to do so. It's nuts! These tools include

* your own domain, so you have your own property to develop * a listserver, so you can send unlimited non-spam email to your prospects, customers and subscribers * a sales manager, so you can follow up all your leads personally, automatically * professional website design * guaranteed traffic devices.

Without these absolutely must-have elements, you're toast.

Take a look atrepparttar 117999 tools you're working with now. Have you got each and one ofrepparttar 118000 ones you need? Or are you just fooling yourself? The people who make it torepparttar 118001 next phase of online profit will have these tools, no ifs, ands, or buts. The ones who don't will getrepparttar 118002 Huskisson Award for worst response to new technology.

Recommendation #3: Focus On Value

As I've said often enough, lots of what people are trying to profit from online is stuff nobody will ever need. In a word, they're trying to get rich selling junk. Friend, it ain't gonna happen.

If you want to make money online, you must offer VALUE online. Do you?

Now I realize that people have an unlimited ability to delude themselves about what they're doing, so it may take you a while to be honest with yourself about what you're selling. But PLEASE try!

Ask yourself these key questions:

* Do people really need what you're selling? * Isrepparttar 118003 price fair? * Can they get it elsewhere for less? * Are you offering VALUE, or are you just trying to make a big score off junk, so you can loll on a beach somewhere? Caveat emptor!

The companies which succeed online arerepparttar 118004 companies which offer online value. There's no future for you unless you offer value, too.

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