What does success mean to you?To some people it means driving a flash car and flashing wads of cash around to show they are doing well. To others it is spending time with their family, having achieved happiness in their life.
Your personal idea of success, and being successful will differ from someone else's, but is very important to you. Without spending some time thinking about your success, how will you know if you are achieving it? Take some time now and think about it.
Now start working towards it, and set goals to make you successful.
Goal setting is important to your success, so you better do it right too. Here are some important things to remember about goal setting
1. break your main goal (success) into smaller ones
These small steps towards an ultimate goal are in some circles known as "eating elephant" because you couldn't eat whole elephant in one go, but cutting it into bite sized chunks makes it possible to achieve a seemingly impossible task.
2 Don't set unachievable goals- when you don't hit them they will be a major setback.
You wouldn't decide to climb mount Everest on your first hill walk or expect to build your own house because you have a new toolkit, so be realistic about your goals here too.
3 Write them down, and make them real, also imagine life as it will be when you have achieved each goal.