How to write about yourself

Written by Suzan St Maur

Many people find it really hard to write for business and marketing purposes about themselves and/or their product or service – much harder than it is to write about someone or something else. If that sounds familiar, read on; in this article professional business writer Suzan St Maur shares her top tips on how to write about yourself and what you do, efficiently and effectively.

1.Before you do anything else, ask yourself not what you want to say, but what you want to achieve withrepparttar text. Be honest with yourself and don’t be overly ambitious. Once you’ve clearly identified your objective keep it in mind throughoutrepparttar 103159 writing exercise. You’ll find that keeps you on track far more effectively – what you want to achieve should define what you say.

2.Forget modesty. As an experienced salesperson would say, “if you don’t think you’re good, whyrepparttar 103160 hell should I?” Equally of course you don’t want to exaggerate your strengths – that can lead to problems when you’re eventually called upon to deliver! But be realistic about what you can do and don’t be afraid to describe it in a positive light.

3.A useful way to achieve tip #2 is to step outside of yourself and regard yourself as a product or better still, as a brand. Forrepparttar 103161 purposes of this exercise you are not Mary Doerepparttar 103162 person. You are writing about Mary Doerepparttar 103163 brand. It’s not as difficult as it sounds; write inrepparttar 103164 third person to start with, if you find that more comfortable. Imagine you’re a colleague writing about you.

4.Bear in mind that whoever reads this text probably won’t care much about you; they’ll only care about what you can do for them. Structure everything with that in mind. If you need to include factual/statistical information (educational details, qualifications, etc.) then make sure you put it in a box so it’s visually separated fromrepparttar 103165 main text.

5.Where possible, identifyrepparttar 103166 audience who will be reading your text and aim your writing squarely at them. It’s possible thatrepparttar 103167 “core” of your text can remainrepparttar 103168 same for a number of different purposes, with individual “tops and tails” aimed at specific audiences. The more relevant your text is torepparttar 103169 reader – telling him/her how you and your service meet their needs –repparttar 103170 more successfulrepparttar 103171 text will be.

Are You Risking The Relationship for the Sale -- And Then Losing the Sale Anyway?

Written by Ari Galper

Losing a sale can be disheartening, especially if you lose it for reasons you aren't even aware of.

Traditional selling approaches tell us that sales are usually lost because of some element -- price, features, benefits -- having to do with our product or service.

So, when we sell, we naturally focus on what we're selling because we feel we have to differentiate our product or service so prospects understand what we're offering that's unique.

But...what if focusing all your energy on WHAT you're selling is actuallyrepparttar main reason WHY you're losing sales?

"Not possible!" you say. No?

Let's hear, in my client Ryan's own words, what happened to him.

His story will help you realize why you may be losing sales without really understanding why.


From: Ryan Subject: Unlock My Brain

Hi, Ari, It's been a while since we've been in touch, and I'm sure you were frustrated working with me because I was so engrained in traditional sales thinking. I have to admit that it has taken me quite some time to shift my selling mindset.

I just wanted to let you know that I've finally unlocked my brain -- and consequentlyrepparttar 103158 game!

Here's what happened.

Recently, my VP of sales strongly "suggested" that I push for a close withrepparttar 103159 largest account that my company had seen. We were all anxious for them to make a decision, but I knew that they needed to reach a few more milestones in their own processes first.

I tried to convey this to my VP, butrepparttar 103160 suggestion became a demand, and we proceeded down "our" path of techniques and whatnot to convince them to go with us. Of course, I hadrepparttar 103161 VP on every call after this.

Atrepparttar 103162 end ofrepparttar 103163 day, they decided to go with someone else.

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