How to successfully rise to the occasion!

Written by Caroline Jalango

Whether you are working on fulfilling a dream, launching into business, or selling a product or a service, there comes a moment when allrepparttar theory and knowledge you have gathered has to be practically applied and turned into reality.

This isrepparttar 123489 point whererepparttar 123490 rubber meetsrepparttar 123491 road. The point of no return!

The point where you have to prove to yourself and to others who may be watching onrepparttar 123492 sidelines that you can do it!

This isrepparttar 123493 moment, which gives you an opportunity to sell your idea, product or services to prospects in order to be in business.

After much networking, marketing and publicity campaigns,repparttar 123494 phone finally rings and a prospective client sets up an appointment to see you or walks into your business premises. This is a make it or break it situation…your chance to walkrepparttar 123495 talk and deliver!

But this is not what happens. You suddenly begin to panic and break into a nervous sweat. All sorts of insecurities and doubts break loose and you feel tempted to back out!

The question in your mind is “how do I rise torepparttar 123496 occasion”?

The following 5 easy tips will help you rise torepparttar 123497 occasion boldly and confidently and prevent you from blowingrepparttar 123498 deal of a lifetime. 1. Be prepared. This can’t be over emphasized. You must not only know your product, service or nature of your industry but must also be able to clearly communicate it to others. You must haverepparttar 123499 basic facts at your fingertips and be able to respond confidently to questions about your product or service.

You have to know your product or service andrepparttar 123500 language ofrepparttar 123501 industry. If you don’t have a way of explaining it, then its time to stop and get back torepparttar 123502 books or dorepparttar 123503 groundwork. People want to do business with people who know what they are talking about. Preparation gives you a natural confidence to rise torepparttar 123504 occasion like an expert!

2. Be yourself. The worst thing to do is, to try to be someone else when selling something that has been birthed from your own idea, vision and dream. Allow your personality and your essence to come across. People are looking for originality and for something creatively different or packaged in a different style.

Growth from Discontent ... Life's way of giving you a little push.

Written by Edward B. Toupin

That strange, gut-wrenching feeling you have is notrepparttar sushi you had for lunch. It's your soul trying to give you a nudge to do something. A word for that feeling is "discontent." Discontent is a state of not being satisfied or fulfilled in your current situation.

Of course, this same feeling can apply to a hundred different situations, from a work-related issue to a personal issue at home. But,repparttar 123488 resulting meaning is stillrepparttar 123489 same: "make a change." Some people listen to that feeling and change their life in such a way as to eliminate that feeling. However, some people that fall into discontent, but tend to remain in that situation as they find it a place of "same-ness" and "safety."

--- Souler Greenhouse ---

Discontent is actually a "souler greenhouse" of change. It isrepparttar 123490 first warnings you receive that things are not what they should be and that a change is required to correctrepparttar 123491 situation. Discontent comes when there is juxtaposition between needs and desires. Usually, you're pursuing a need, achieve it, and then continue to pursuerepparttar 123492 ideals ofrepparttar 123493 same need. This occurs because you don't know what to do once you reachrepparttar 123494 objective. However, once you achieve a need, you need to move on torepparttar 123495 next pursuit.

Many people find that discontent for a given situation is acceptable. For instance, discontent with your work might feel acceptable because you have to make money and care for your family. In this way, you learn to overcomerepparttar 123496 discontent by acceptingrepparttar 123497 obligations. However, while this may work, it is not necessarilyrepparttar 123498 route to take. Indeed, you might needrepparttar 123499 job, but this feeling is calling for an evaluation as some aspect ofrepparttar 123500 situation needs attention.

Discontent can provide you with either a reason to stay right where you are or a fertile environment from which to move forward. While it does provide a way forrepparttar 123501 Universe to bring attention to a situation, we sometimes become so accustomed torepparttar 123502 feeling that it becomes part of our life. In such a case, if we adapt andrepparttar 123503 discontented feeling is resolved, we will miss it.

--- Growth ---

Growth from discontent is an amazing change. Again, comparing torepparttar 123504 greenhouse, it can either smother you, or help you grow. However, change from discontent is something that you have to execute consciously, because discontent can also provide you with a safety zone. By accepting discontent in one part of your life, it can spread into other areas of your life. You can become satisfied withrepparttar 123505 feeling because it becomes familiar. However, you end up working on parts of your life in hopes of resolvingrepparttar 123506 feeling when you find that, once that part of your life has changed, you still feelrepparttar 123507 same.

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