How to relax in the dentists chair

Written by Tony Forster

Be cool inrepparttar chair!!!

How to relax inrepparttar 114834 dentists chair

If you're anything like me you'll feel varying degrees of anxiety when you find yourself sitting inrepparttar 114835 dentists chair, perhaps you can remember a specific incident from your childhood that brings back painful memories or maybe you don't likerepparttar 114836 sounds and smells involved. Being afraid ofrepparttar 114837 dentist is nothing to be ashamed of and is something most of us experience at sometime in our lives.

The good news however is that modern dentistry is is now a different experience, modern dentists have a greater understanding of their patients fears and concerns and have undergone additional training to meet these concerns. Dental practices have also greatly improved with less painful treatments, more efficient practices and quicker dental treatments along with your dentists empathy make for a much nicer experience.

Lie back and think of something nice...

5 things you can do to makerepparttar 114838 experience more enjoyable...

1. Arrive relaxed, calm and on time - Plan your visit with care, be sure to allow plenty of time to arrive and park your car if driving. If you are running late or have difficulty getting there on time you will naturally be more stressed. A high level of stress can make you irritable and that makes it more difficult to control your level of anxiety.

2. Try exercising your brain - Don't just sit inrepparttar 114839 dentists chair thinking about nothing or worse still imagining what might happen but userepparttar 114840 time effectively

Far Infrared Sauna Technology

Written by Rita Lambros-Segur, M.H.

What exactly is infrared, or radiant heat? No need to worry - it has nothing to do with either ultraviolet radiation (which gives you a sunburn and damages your skin) or atomic radiation (the kind from a nuclear bomb).

Radiant heat is simply a form of energy that heats objects directly through a process called conversion, without having to heatrepparttar air in between. Radiant heat is also called infrared energy (IR). Our sun isrepparttar 114833 principal source of radiant energy that we enjoy daily (some more so than others). 

Have you ever been outside on a partly cloudy spring day of about 50 degrees F. and felt quite comfortable untilrepparttar 114834 sun was suddenly obscured by a cloud? Althoughrepparttar 114835 air temperature had not had time to drop, you felt chilled, asrepparttar 114836 cloud would not letrepparttar 114837 warming infrared rays through to reach you.

Infrared light is an important energy force that promotes healing - a raising ofrepparttar 114838 white blood cell count. Why is that good? Because more white blood cells mean greater immunity. Greater immunity means greater health and a better quality of life. 

Today we're seeing new technologies employing far-infrared energy in health care products an din clinical protocols such as hyperthermic therapies for detoxification and cancer treatment.

Energy medicine is an ancient practice and Chinese health practitioners would use healing touch therapies for improved cell growth, DNA synthesis and protein synthesis in cells. Although these ancient practitioners did not knowrepparttar 114839 technical terms as to why their therapy improved health, they were sure their patients got better. 

Yes,repparttar 114840 human heat from their touch increased immune defense response in which white blood cells surround and ingested small living things (like bacteria) and cell wastes.

Far-infrared heat followsrepparttar 114841 same principle: warmrepparttar 114842 injury site to speed healing. Why is infrared heat better than say, a heating pad? Becauserepparttar 114843 vibrational energy of far-infrared light is unlike that ofrepparttar 114844 heat energy we use for everyday functions, like cooking. Boiling water could actually damage our skin but it doesn't heat internal organs.  Sunlight heats us in a profound way, however, because it contains penetrating far-infrared rays as well asrepparttar 114845 full range of energy inrepparttar 114846 electromagnetic spectrum.

I know what you must be thinking - how can I benefit fromrepparttar 114847 sun's infrared rays? I don't live nearrepparttar 114848 equator. Besides, I thoughtrepparttar 114849 sun's rays were damaging to my skin. While it's truerepparttar 114850 sun's rays should be used judiciously, especially by fair-skinned people,repparttar 114851 fact remains that infrared radiation promotes health. 

A few companies have capturedrepparttar 114852 essence of this healing energy by creating spruce saunas and smaller wraps for localized healing in specific areas ofrepparttar 114853 body. Some of these spruce saunas have been created using wood that contains no pesticides for better tolerance and detoxification.

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