How to overcome stagnation?

Written by ajaypats

Some people just can't seem to move beyond their current situations in life. They can't find a better job, make more money, find happiness in relationships, or find fulfillment. . As we grow and change, we eventually run intorepparttar outer limits of our safety zone known as our "belief system." The belief system confines our existence, and consists ofrepparttar 123202 knowledge and experiences that shape who we are and what we value in our lives. What was fulfilling, is now a burden. What was exciting, is now boring. At this point, we must learn how to extend, or change, our belief systems to allow us to move forward and find new meaning and new fulfillment. --- Spheres of Belief --- A belief system can be viewed as consisting of three distinct, yet interconnected, "spheres of belief." Each sphere represents an area of our lives that we maintain as our own secure zones. Our core values and beliefs that affect our daily lives are taken fromrepparttar 123203 combination of these three spheres. * Sphere One: The first sphere contains relationships and our interpersonal goals. It represents our interaction with others in our lives including family and friends. It provides us with a foundation of security for interpersonal interaction and growth. * Sphere Two: The second sphere contains professional goals. This isrepparttar 123204 area of our life that supportsrepparttar 123205 ability to work toward a vision withrepparttar 123206 knowledge to provide security for ourselves and our family. * Sphere Three: The third and final sphere contains personal goals. This sphere contains our knowledge and experiences that define our personal desires, goals, and direction. This is alsorepparttar 123207 area in which we store our personal identities. The primary benefit of building and maintaining your spheres is that they provide a solid and definable arena in which you can live and work comfortably. However,repparttar 123208 problem is that, occasionally, these spheres become too confining and eventually limit your growth. In essence, when you hitrepparttar 123209 outer wall of any sphere, you must determinerepparttar 123210 best way to increaserepparttar 123211 size ofrepparttar 123212 sphere to accommodate your growth and still maintain your security. --- Establishing Core Values --- From birth, we constantly receive information from which we build and create a belief system and core values. The information comes from our environment, parents, people we feel are in authority, and various other inputs. In some cases,repparttar 123213 environment is positive and in others, it is negative. Regardless, it is that with which we all learn to cope until it is familiar and comfortable. For example, if we grow up in a loving, family environment, then we learn

Time is the single most valuable resource.

Written by ajaypats

Time isrepparttar coin of your life. It isrepparttar 123201 only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.FriendThere is never enough time, unless you're serving it.An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth.We must use time as a tool, not as a crutch.Time isrepparttar 123202 most valuable thing a man can spend.The value you place on your own time will determinerepparttar 123203 amount of value it brings to you. The more you value and appreciate every moment,repparttar 123204 more positive and worthwhile things you'll get from those moments. You can use up your time with anger, resentment, envy or bitterness, and end up with nothing to show for it. Or you can put that time into thoughtful, positive, productive efforts that will bring a continuing stream of valuable rewards.

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