How to keep your postal mail private and secure

Written by Max Penn

Surreptious opening of most envelopes sent throughrepparttar mail takes little effort and only minimal skill. Instructions are readily available on repparttar 143181 Internet and in books suc as "CIA Flaps and Seals Manual" (Paladin Press).

While your mail is inrepparttar 143182 hands ofrepparttar 143183 postal service it is relatively secure from outside snooping but readily available to postal employees andrepparttar 143184 alphabet soup of government agencies that may, for whatever reason, take an interest in your private correspondence. If your mail is delivered to your home, perhaps to a box atrepparttar 143185 end of your driveway, someone can easily remove your mail before you do, unless you are waiting whenrepparttar 143186 postment delivers it.

LET ME ASK YOU THIS... If a private investigation or neighborhood snoop removed private letters from your mailbox, carefully opened them, recordedrepparttar 143187 contents, and then resealed them and returned them to your mailbox, would you know it? If you received a letter inrepparttar 143188 mail on Wednesdays instead of tuesday, would you be aware that it had been missing that day?

HOW GOVERNMENT KEEP THEIR MAIL PRIVATE When government agencies send sensitive material, they double-wrap it to prevent it's surreptitious opening. The government procedure is to placerepparttar 143189 sensitive material in an envelope, seal all seams and edges with tape, and record appropriate addresses and security markings onrepparttar 143190 envelope.

This envelope is then placed into a second envelope, which then has all edges and seams sealed with tape. The outer envelope is addressed, but there are no security markings recorded on it. This is effective, butrepparttar 143191 outer envelope with all edges and seams sealed with tape stands out from ordinary mail.

Mother Tongue Communications Ltd Announces the release of 'WORDFLOW' an On-Line Translation Management System

Written by Liz Toone


For any company operating in international markets,repparttar production of unified multilingual marketing collateral - whether it's a local flier or a global product launch - can be a challenging task. Mother Tongue Communications' WordFlow is a clear-thinking and robust methodology for managing coordinated, multilingual, multinational marketing material.

WordFlow is an on-line system that integrates text in any language and atrepparttar 143056 same time seamlessly accommodatesrepparttar 143057 subtle variations required for local, regional and global markets. The result is faster time-to-market, improved quality of communications and significantly reduced cost.

WordFlow is a translation management system that takes your marketing collateral from original agreed concept through all stages of production to distribution ofrepparttar 143058 finished article. WordFlow can be accessed in real time, at any time, by all authorised parties inrepparttar 143059 process -your head office, your agency, accredited translators, global, regional and local operations in any country,repparttar 143060 studio andrepparttar 143061 printers.

The system's key USP is its ability to automatically integrate text in any language, without manual intervention, intorepparttar 143062 master artwork which then passes through an on-line check, amend and approval process, to final make-up and then to print.

The whole trail is fully traceable and audited, and incorporates automatic prompts to ensure that specific tasks are completed to agreed deadlines. Control ofrepparttar 143063 budget, as well asrepparttar 143064 process, resides centrally. In-territory teams are no longer independently preparing their own collateral or implementing centrally-mastered material.

WordFlow enables remarkable time-lines and awesome economies of scale. With its built-in checks and prompts, and facility for instant on-line amendment and checking, it is possible to produce multi-language items, from mastered concept to final print, in just 35 days.

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