How to increase the ROI on your PPC campaigns

Written by Rick Rouse

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one ofrepparttar most cost effective (and just plain effective) ways to get laser-targeted traffic to your website. For just pennies per click you can have your offer placed in front of only those people who are truly interested in what you have to offer.

There is a problem with PPC however. Return On Investment (ROI) can be quite low if your ad campaigns aren’t designed properly. In a nutshell, you need to make sure that enough people who click on your ad make a purchase to allow you to end up with a healthy overall profit!

Here are a few tips for maximizingrepparttar 124750 effectiveness of your PPC ad campaigns:

1 – Write clear and concise ad copy that tellsrepparttar 124751 potential customer EXACTLY what she will find afterrepparttar 124752 link is clicked. Since you have to pay cash for each and every click, you want to limitrepparttar 124753 clicks to those people who are truly interested in what you’re offering!

2 – Be creative withrepparttar 124754 keywords but be precise inrepparttar 124755 ad copy. While you wantrepparttar 124756 ad copy to be very precise in describing your offer, you want as many people as possible to seerepparttar 124757 ad inrepparttar 124758 first place.

Using several variations ofrepparttar 124759 wording in your key phrases and synonyms for your keywords you can ensure that your ad will be displayed for a wide variety of search terms. Then your laser-targeted ad copy will “weed out” those who just aren’t interested in your particular offer.

Have You Got Your Ear To The Ground Or Your Head In The Sand?

Written by Mike Cheney

What happened on your website yesterday? What about last week or last month? How about inrepparttar past hour? How many visitors come to your website as a result of using a search engine? How long do people stay on your website for on average? Which pages do your visitors go to?

If you don't knowrepparttar 124749 answer to some or all of these questions you are effectively operating a website blind.

This is like riding a bike blindfolded and expecting to arrive atrepparttar 124750 right destination. It's impossible andrepparttar 124751 likelihood is that you will crash, wreckrepparttar 124752 bike, lose pride and get left behind.

If you don't know what's happening with your website or how people are using it and how they are finding it how can you hope to ever improverepparttar 124753 site? Sure - you can rely on second-guessing or askingrepparttar 124754 opinion of a handful of people but that's hardly going to give you accurate information on which to base a decision is it?

"Mike - I know what you're saying. It's true that I need to track what's happening but I don't haverepparttar 124755 X"

X = Money? X = Time? X = Knowledge of where to start? X = Need, as I already do this?

If you answered "Money" - this would seem to be a valid reason but you can get your hands onrepparttar 124756 basic information about how your site is performing for nothing (ask your developer or web hosting company for starters and they'll be able to point you inrepparttar 124757 right direction or check outrepparttar 124758 resources below)

If you answered "Time" - I'm sorry but if that'srepparttar 124759 case why do you even have a website if you don't haverepparttar 124760 time to measure how it's performing? Would you behaverepparttar 124761 same way with your business? Thought not..

If you answered "Knowledge of where to start" then this is fair enough. To get started try these resources that will help you:

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