How to get the most from your web promotion.

Written by Paul Easton

One ofrepparttar biggest problems on-line is gettingrepparttar 124779 most "bang" for your buck, and what I mean isrepparttar 124780 age old question of "What isrepparttar 124781 best way to get visitors to my site?"

Large companies, off-line focus on "branding" themselves- becoming a well known . One ofrepparttar 124782 best examples would be for books.

The biggest exposure for branding is TV because this isrepparttar 124783 easiest and quickest way to got into millions of homes. But times are changing. Here's an example:

I happened to notice a TV ad from a large successful company. It featured a special offer and directed people to their web site. Notrepparttar 124784 exact site but: v

The big companies are starting to wake up! The link above is tracking responses fromrepparttar 124785 advertising and it's something you can do with your business on-line and off.

Below I'll explain how you can track your advertising... Small warning here, it's slightly technical but not too hard. :)

Whatrepparttar 124786 company has done is created a folder, just likerepparttar 124787 ones on your computer with 1 web page in itrepparttar 124788 actual web page name would be index.htm or index.html.

When you go to a folder,repparttar 124789 page that is automatically seen inrepparttar 124790 index page. So... v is actually: v/index.htm

The folder name being "tv"

This page will "redirect" torepparttar 124791 special offer orrepparttar 124792 home page every time a visitor comes torepparttar 124793 page. When it redirects it also "counts" each visitor. They can also count sales and calculate exact profit and effectiveness ofrepparttar 124794 advertising quickly.

This is called "cloaking" a link and is not new. It simply meansrepparttar 124795 true address ofrepparttar 124796 page is not shown. The way you can use this in your business is that it can help those that think they have seen an offer before and also it can be used for affiliate programs.

You may get a much better response for advertising that has a link of: than an affiliate link like:

The process is actually not that hard.

Ok lets create your special redirect page its called a 'Meta ­ Refresh" page. There are other ways to do it but this isrepparttar 124797 easiest.

Byrepparttar 124798 way, you must have your own website for this to work.

Use Windows NotePad program or any plain text program. Followrepparttar 124799 below steps:

1. Copyrepparttar 124800 following text:

<#HTML> <#HEAD> <#META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;URL= "> <#TITLE>redirect <#META NAME=robots CONTENT="noindex,follow"> <#/HEAD> <#BODY> #Please wait… <#/BODY> <#/HTML>

Top 7 Ways To Promote Your Website, NOW

Written by Matt Colyer

We will start withrepparttar best, than make our way torepparttar 124778 bottom ofrepparttar 124779 list. This article will give you a good idea whererepparttar 124780 best ways to promote your site!

1) Exchange links, trade link, swap links, I think you got it now!

When you start a site you should exchange many as possable links with sites that are RELATED to YOUR site. This will helprepparttar 124781 search engine's robot find your site (easier and faster), than index your site or if you are already indexed byrepparttar 124782 robots they will refresh your site more (which really helps!). If you are looking for a fast way to get links you can joinrepparttar 124783 site below.

You can join link exchange.

2) Write articles!

You can write articles to help promote your site. This is very easy to do, for people that don't know how to write real good yet look at other articles to get good ideals (Don't steal them). After you write a article insert a link to your site and there you go.

You can submit articles at and

3) Newsletter

Having a mailing list can bring wonders to a web site, not only will it help bring old visitors back (or make them more up to date with your site), but they will sendrepparttar 124784 newsletter to their friends (If they like it). A mailing list can add more content to your site by posting each newsletter on your web site, this will help people that are thinking about signing up for your newsletter decide to join or not.

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