How to get Rich!

Written by Gerardo Flores

Many people (1000’s) of people will go through life hoping and wishing that one day something will come along that will change their life forrepparttar better. It’s sad but true to say that more than 60% of hard working people will retire with nothing more than a few hundred dollars a month to live off of. Did you know that more than 35% of people that retire after working their whole life end up dying a few months later? It is shocking to believe, but it’srepparttar 116393 cold hard facts! Maybe it’s because their work is their life, and after they stop working they stop living. They’re so used of working that when they do finally stop they have nothing more to look forward to. Still, regardless if people hear about these horrible facts, they continue to depend on their jobs. They go on thinking that it won’t happen to them, that “they will one day winrepparttar 116394 lottery”, “they have been going to casinos feeling really lucky and one day will win”. They completely give their lives to poverty on a silver platter because they refuse to build a plan that will set them free from mediocrity. By you reading this article, will I be right if I said that you want to change your life? That you are looking for a way to get out of this “slavery” of a 9 to 5 job? That you know there’s got to be a better way to live? If you’re answer is yes, then you are 80% ofrepparttar 116395 way to being rich! Believe it or not,repparttar 116396 way you think has everything to do with how your life will be. I know… I know…you’re probably thinking, “what doesrepparttar 116397 way I think have to do with me being rich”. Right? Well, your thinking has *EVERYTHING* to do with how you’re life will be, be it health wise or wealth wise. You have to understand that ALL negative thinking will create negative effects in all aspects of your life. Once you really understand this universal truth, you will be rich quicker than you ever thought possible!

How to Build a Niche Site With a Blog

Written by Linda J Bruton

Building niche sites is allrepparttar rage these days.

The basic strategy is very simple. Find a niche market that isn't oversaturated. Develop a list of related keywords people are searching on. Then write an article optimized for each one of your keywords. Once you have your articles, upload them to your site. Monitize your site with affiliate links and Adsense.

For this kind of niche site to be effective and make money, it is imperative that you get free traffic, and a lot of it. And that's exactly where a blog can be your best friend.

At its very simplest, a blog is just a structure. It'srepparttar 116392 bones of a web site. A blog is a simple way to publish and display your content online. Most of us think of blogs as a chronicle of news events, or commentary on news and items of interest. Or personal diaries.

Few people stop to think that you can build any kind of website with a blog. In reality, a blog can be used very effectively to build a niche site. The fact ofrepparttar 116393 matter is, a blog isrepparttar 116394 easiest way to publish your niche site content. Butrepparttar 116395 biggest reason to use a blog is that it can drive traffic to your site a lot faster than a statically-built site. A niche site built with a blog is a very powerful strategy.

First, choose your niche and research your keywords. Write your first article based on one of those keywords, just as you would when building a regular site. Then set up your blog and publish that article. Your niche site is now live.

To make your site structurerepparttar 116396 most effective, be sure to choose a blog that allowsrepparttar 116397 use of Categories, such as Word Press or Moveable Type. Use your 10 most important keywords asrepparttar 116398 name of your Categories. Then file all your secondary keyword articles under those Categories.

Why is this so important? If you keep building your site with keyword-rich articles, eventually you could have hundreds of pages. Each of those pages will have a link to your 10 Categories. And each of those links will userepparttar 116399 anchor text of your most important keywords. As a result of all those internal keyword-rich links, your site will end up ranking very well inrepparttar 116400 search engines for your Category names.

Now it's time to set up your traffic strategy. This is where a blog can really shine. There are many special RSS/blog directories that are hungry for feeds. By submitting your new blog to these directories, you can start getting traffic almost immediately. Quite often these feeds will result in a lot more traffic than allrepparttar 116401 major search engines combined. This is why it makes so much sense to build your niche site as a blog. You can have twicerepparttar 116402 traffic, and get it much faster than with a static site.

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