How to fix the screen in your storm door

Written by Adrian Dunevein

If you are getting tired of seeingrepparttar ugly hole inrepparttar 100067 screen of your aluminum screen door perhaps its time you tried to fix it yourself.

The big problem with aluminum screen doors is sometimes people paint them andrepparttar 100068 screen frame just wont come out ofrepparttar 100069 door easily without damagingrepparttar 100070 paint job or damagingrepparttar 100071 screen frame.

No problem, you can fix it without removing it fromrepparttar 100072 door. You still have to getrepparttar 100073 glass out fromrepparttar 100074 door frame. Usually that involves lifting it up allrepparttar 100075 way, pulling outrepparttar 100076 bottom edge ofrepparttar 100077 glass slightly then pulling it allrepparttar 100078 way down and out.

If you have got that far you should have complete access torepparttar 100079 screen fromrepparttar 100080 inside ofrepparttar 100081 storm door. Pull outrepparttar 100082 old plastic spline that holdsrepparttar 100083 screen it, saving it if possible. Pull outrepparttar 100084 screen material.

Cut a new piece of screen cloth three inches larger thanrepparttar 100085 opening all around and take four two-inch pieces of spline. Use a flat blade screwdriver to pokerepparttar 100086 spline intorepparttar 100087 screen frame to holdrepparttar 100088 cloth in at each ofrepparttar 100089 four corners ofrepparttar 100090 frame. Be careful if you are using aluminum screen cloth, push inrepparttar 100091 spline gently so as not to riprepparttar 100092 cloth.


Written by John Rocco

Ifrepparttar sliding glass doors in your home are more than 10 years old, you might notice that they are becoming harder to slide open. This problem is even more common on aluminum frame dual pane doors. The reason is becauserepparttar 100066 doors are heavier due torepparttar 100067 dual pane glass, but many ofrepparttar 100068 aluminum units did not use stainless steel rollers. So, in many cases,repparttar 100069 rollers get rusty from moisture and they start to bind.

In order to replacerepparttar 100070 rollers, you have to removerepparttar 100071 sliding panel fromrepparttar 100072 opening. In most instances,repparttar 100073 fixed panel must be removed in order forrepparttar 100074 sliding panel to come out. There is a simple way to determine whether or not your fixed panel has to come out as well. Ifrepparttar 100075 slider is onrepparttar 100076 inside track andrepparttar 100077 fixed panel is onrepparttar 100078 outside track, you have to remove both panels, becauserepparttar 100079 slider will only come out fromrepparttar 100080 outside. There is a lip onrepparttar 100081 bottom ofrepparttar 100082 track inside your house. That lip keeps water from coming in. Unfortunately, that lip is also too high to liftrepparttar 100083 sliding panel up and over. So, you have to removerepparttar 100084 fixed panel first, then lift and swing outrepparttar 100085 slider from outside. If you are one ofrepparttar 100086 few people who have a slider onrepparttar 100087 outside track, then you can lift your slider out without removingrepparttar 100088 fixed panel.

But, let's assume you need to removerepparttar 100089 fixed panel first. Here is what you do: Remove your screen door if you have one. The screen door will have two rollers onrepparttar 100090 bottom. Lift one end ofrepparttar 100091 door frame with one hand while using a flat screwdriver to liftrepparttar 100092 roller offrepparttar 100093 track. Do that on both sides, then take outrepparttar 100094 screen door and set it aside. Now, look for a metal piece onrepparttar 100095 bottom track that runs fromrepparttar 100096 bottom corner ofrepparttar 100097 fixed panel allrepparttar 100098 way across torepparttar 100099 bottom ofrepparttar 100100 side jamb that hasrepparttar 100101 door lock hardware. If your door is really old that piece might be missing. If you have one, you can pry it up fromrepparttar 100102 track. It is snapped in place even though it looks like it is a part ofrepparttar 100103 track. Once you have that piece removed, you want to look insiderepparttar 100104 house whererepparttar 100105 fixed panel is againstrepparttar 100106 wall jam. Look for screws holdingrepparttar 100107 frame torepparttar 100108 jam. They usually have one nearrepparttar 100109 top and bottom corners, and one nearrepparttar 100110 center. Remove these screws and put them where you won't lose them. Now, you should be able to pullrepparttar 100111 fixed panel out ofrepparttar 100112 side jam. There is a very good chance that it will be stuck. If it is, grabrepparttar 100113 center rail nearrepparttar 100114 bottom and lift up as hard as you can. If you feelrepparttar 100115 panel go up, pull it back down. Do this a couple of times, then try to pull it out ofrepparttar 100116 side jam again. This usually loosens it enough to pull it out. If it still won't come out, you will have to put a thin screwdriver betweenrepparttar 100117 fixed panel frame andrepparttar 100118 side jam and pry while a helper pullsrepparttar 100119 panel away fromrepparttar 100120 jam. Once you get it free ofrepparttar 100121 side jam, grabrepparttar 100122 fixed panel side rail and have a helper grabrepparttar 100123 other rail. Liftrepparttar 100124 panel up intorepparttar 100125 top track and swingrepparttar 100126 bottom out ofrepparttar 100127 bottom track. Removerepparttar 100128 panel fromrepparttar 100129 top track and set it aside withrepparttar 100130 screen door.

Now, you can try liftingrepparttar 100131 slider up and out, just like you did withrepparttar 100132 fixed panel. Ifrepparttar 100133 slider won't clearrepparttar 100134 bottom track, you need to do a couple of things. First, look to see if it'srepparttar 100135 old rollers protruding fromrepparttar 100136 bottom that is preventingrepparttar 100137 door from coming out, or ifrepparttar 100138 actual bottom ofrepparttar 100139 door frame is hittingrepparttar 100140 track. In almost all cases, it will berepparttar 100141 old rollers. But, ifrepparttar 100142 opening is 8' wide, sometimesrepparttar 100143 wood header that runs acrossrepparttar 100144 opening has sagged just enough to make it tight inrepparttar 100145 center ofrepparttar 100146 opening. If it'srepparttar 100147 rollers, you need to adjust them allrepparttar 100148 way up intorepparttar 100149 door. Look for a hole onrepparttar 100150 bottom side where you can put a phillips screwdriver and findrepparttar 100151 adjustment screw. Then turn that screw counterclockwise as far as you can. Do that to both sides, then try lifting outrepparttar 100152 door. If you are still getting stuck, have your helper lift one side and pull outward while you try to pryrepparttar 100153 frame and roller overrepparttar 100154 track. If you get one side out, have your helper hold that side with his or her foot to prevent it from going back in while he or she liftsrepparttar 100155 other side for you to pry free.

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