How to fire up your link popularity

Written by Nicholas Dixon

When I first started out in Internet marketing, reciprocal linking was one ofrepparttar techniques that I was required to master.

Left, right and center gurus were telling me ofrepparttar 120597 importance of having my website link on as much websites as possible. But most did not say how to go about doing it.

After contacting several webmasters withrepparttar 120598 aim of exchanging links, all flatly refused. Maybe it was because I was on a free host or maybe I was still green inrepparttar 120599 business.

I tried several different ways but they all hadrepparttar 120600 same result. Nada. Zilch. No links coming my way. Then I found it. The best linking strategy.

It was so simple I could not believe it. And it was right there under my nose. Many successful marketers were using it and accomplishing much. What was that secret weapon ? Article writing.

Writing articles and submitting them to article banks, directories and content sites will increase your link popularity. And it is all for free.

All you have to do is write an informative article which contains valuable information for your target audience. After editing, proofreading and formatting you can now submit it forrepparttar 120601 world to see.

Are You Compliant With The Law? Take The CAN-SPAM QUIZ!

Written by Jim Symonds

Are You Compliant? Take The CAN-SPAM QUIZ!

Test Your Knowledge of The Law - 22 Questions You Should Know.


The Can Spam Act went into effect Jan. 1st, but marketers have 90 days to become compliant withrepparttar new law.

The Can Spam Act Pre-empts many tougher state anti-spam laws.

You may send commercial email with falsified headers.

You must include your phone number in all commercial emails.

You may send UCE as long asrepparttar 120596 message contains an opt-out mechanism, a functioning return email address, a valid subject line indicatingrepparttar 120597 email is an advertisement, andrepparttar 120598 legitimate physical address ofrepparttar 120599 sender.

You must include a privacy policy when you collect subscribers.

You may harvest email addresses as long asrepparttar 120600 messages you send contain an opt-out mechanism, a functioning return email address, a valid subject line indicatingrepparttar 120601 email is an advertisement, andrepparttar 120602 legitimate physical address ofrepparttar 120603 sender.

You must have a process for handling unsubscribes within a 15 day window.

Referencing or including a link to a commercial entity in an email message is sufficient to make it a commercial email message.

You must add your postal address to all your marketing emails.

The Can Spam Act is enforced byrepparttar 120604 Attorney General inrepparttar 120605 state whereinrepparttar 120606 alleged spam originated.

You must not sharerepparttar 120607 address of a person who unsubscribed with any other entity seeking to send that party email.

It's O.K. to use a misleading subject in your marketing email, as long as you identifyrepparttar 120608 email as an advertisement or solicitation somewhere withinrepparttar 120609 body ofrepparttar 120610 email.

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