How to do the Atkins Diet Right?

Written by Hristo Hristov

Let me tell you something - if you are doingrepparttar Atkins Diet, you might be doing it WRONG. I have been on diet forums for years, have consulted thousands of people on low carb diets, and I am seeing it again and again. People don't know how to implement a low carb diet. Very often people fail to lose weight or to adapt torepparttar 115333 low carb life style. Many people give it up after a couple of days because they don't know how to do it right. The Atkins Diet isrepparttar 115334 most famous low carb diet, but it is full of pitfalls just waiting for you to walk into.

Rule #1: Calories DO count. You must count both carbs AND calories

Some of you may believe that losing weight is just a matter of reducing carbohydrates. In fact, many do. Hunting for hidden carbs and totally neglectingrepparttar 115335 calories you eat is setting you up for failure. The only reason that low carb diets work is that they reduce your appetite. You end up eating fewer CALORIES, and lose weight. The problem is that not all people start eating fewer calories after switching to a low carb diet. The only 100% bulletproof method of losing weight is by counting calories. Don't rely on simply reducing carbohydrates. Eat less carbs AND less calories. Count calories! It is much easier to restrict calories when you are on a low carb diet, because you won't feel as hungry as with high-carb diets.

Rule #2: Going straight to 20 grams of carbs per day is a NO-NO

The Atkins Diet has you eating only 20 grams of carbs a day duringrepparttar 115336 first two weeks onrepparttar 115337 diet. After that, you are advised to gradually increaserepparttar 115338 number of carbs you eat. I strongly urge you to reverserepparttar 115339 order of events. Start eating 80 or more grams of carbs per day, count calories and then reduce them more if you want to.

My reasoning for doing so is very simple. Duringrepparttar 115340 adaptation period you will lack energy because you have taken outrepparttar 115341 carbs, and you need time to makerepparttar 115342 fat burning enzymes to use more fat for fuel. If you suddenly start eating a super low amount of carbs, you will feel totally out of energy, because your body cannot manufacture quickly that many fat burning enzymes. However, when you reducerepparttar 115343 carbohydrates GRADUALLY, you give your body a chance to adapt torepparttar 115344 diet withoutrepparttar 115345 misery of being lethargic.

You can even start by eating 150 grams of carbs a day forrepparttar 115346 first week, and then reduce them to 100 grams forrepparttar 115347 second and so on. You won't be so fatigued, and because you count calories you are losing weight.

You should expect a period of about one to two weeks when you won't have much energy, but this will pass. Don't give up just because you lack energy. This is temporary. If you listen to me and gradually reducerepparttar 115348 carbs, you will experience a much less-pronounced drop of physical and mental performance.

Rule #3: Calories control your bodyweight, NOT carbohydrates.

If you eat less calories than you burn, you are going to lose weight no matter how many carbs you consume. You don't need to go super low onrepparttar 115349 carbohydrates to experiencerepparttar 115350 typical loss of appetite that is so important to be successful at dieting. I eat about 50-80 grams of carbs a day year-round, and I have single digit body fat %. That's because I control both carbs and calories.

You won't be able to eat just 20 grams of carbs for a long time. It is too impractical, hard-to-do and unnecessary. You will do fine eating 80 grams of carbs a day, as long as you count calories.

Rule #4: Don't give up your coffee

Atkins advises that you avoid caffeine and only drink decaffeinated coffee. This is totally unnecessary. If you are used to drinking coffee, just continue to do so. You will have a much easier adaptation period. Coffee makes your body burn more fat, and helps you adapt to fat burning faster. Coffee also suppresses your appetite, and has a mild thermogenic effect (you burn more calories). Last but not least, coffee is very addictive and hard to give up. I know a couple of people who gave uprepparttar 115351 Atkins Diet just because he says to stop drinking coffee! I am telling you - coffee will help your weight loss efforts. It is totally unnecessary to give it up.


Written by Valerie Harker

About 2 years ago my mother was making regular visits to a podiatrist for an annoying epidemic of corns onrepparttar bottom of her feet. During her course of treatment she began to notice thatrepparttar 115332 bottom of her right big toe had a slightly dark discoloration that was not apparent in any other place on her toes or feet. She askedrepparttar 115333 podiatrist for his opinion during one of her visits to his office. He had never seen anything like this before and, as he would later admit, actually believed thatrepparttar 115334 bottom of my mother’s foot was dirty or stained. Because it did not cause any discomfort and because ofrepparttar 115335 podiatrists lack of concern she decided that her foot was completely normal.  But she continued to observerepparttar 115336 stain and she was troubled byrepparttar 115337 fact that it would never go away. Some time later she fell down some stairs during a stay at a summer cabin. She badly injured her leg in her fall and when her holiday was over she visited her family doctor for a diagnosis. She took this opportunity to show himrepparttar 115338 discolored skin on her foot. Fortunately for my mother, this doctor was far more curious thanrepparttar 115339 podiatrist. He was fairly certain that my glamorous and well-groomed mother did not have grimy stains onrepparttar 115340 bottom of her feet. He had never seen anything like this but suspected that it might be melanoma. He promptly sent her to a plastic surgeon, hoping that he would identifyrepparttar 115341 mysterious condition that was turning darker and beginning to slowly spread. 


            Inrepparttar 115342 end my mothers instinctive concern and her family doctors curiosity saved her foot, and possibly her life. Unfortunately she was not able to keep her big toe. The dark stain was eventually diagnosed as a very rare form of melanoma. After several biopsies and surgeries it became clear thatrepparttar 115343 cancer had moved fromrepparttar 115344 bottom of her toe torepparttar 115345 sides and eventually ontorepparttar 115346 top, and deeper intorepparttar 115347 dermis. In an attempt to save her toe she went through 8 different surgeries where an increasing portion of her skin and bone was sliced away followed by lab work to determine if any cancer still remained.  After one month inrepparttar 115348 hospital, she went home and traded all her trendy and strappy, open toed shoes for some very sensible (and not very trendy) oxfords. She was very thankful that she could still walk and that her condition had been arrested. She was very disappointed that she had not trustedrepparttar 115349 voice in her heart that knew that something was wrong choosing instead to listen torepparttar 115350 supposed voice of experience and expertise.


            This year nearly 8 thousand Americans will die from melanoma. This is a tragic statistic because melanoma, when identified early, can be treated in a simple office procedure. When people are vigilant and carefully observe marks, moles and unusual skin conditions they can alert their doctor as soon as anything abnormal is detected. Onrepparttar 115351 other hand, if a melanoma is given time to penetrate deeper intorepparttar 115352 skin and to gain access torepparttar 115353 blood supply,repparttar 115354 prognosis is very, very poor. Untreated melanoma is a killer.

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