How to do Hard Things

Written by Suzanne Falter-Barns

One ofrepparttar harsh little realities of pursuing a dream is that sooner or later, you're going to have to do some stuff you don't like very much. It's just plain inevitable. Enter procrastination. Dread. Meltdown. Complete inertia.

Butrepparttar 122731 prospect of doingrepparttar 122732 tough stuff doesn't have to stop you cold. To that end, I've been teasing out some different ways you can keep going. Here are a few of my favorites:

*Play music. I learned this when I started running, or 'jogging' as we called it back inrepparttar 122733 70's. Clamping onrepparttar 122734 headphones made it go so much better. Even today, as I poundrepparttar 122735 treadmill, it's just so much easier if I've got country music videos playing along while I work out.

In fact, I recently saw a movie in which a soldier talks about overcoming his fear and going into battle by listening to heavy metal music piped into his helmet. Neurosurgeons, emergency room docs, and others in high-pressure operating theaters often play lightly upbeat, soothing music to keep stress under control as they work.

*'Bookend it'. This is a phraserepparttar 122736 12-steppers wisely use for calling up a supportive friend before AND after a tough task … just so you're accountable out there to someone. Userepparttar 122737 phone or email and make that connection. You'll be less likely to procrastinate your way out of it.

*Delegate. Got a task you just can't somehow do? I always have three or four lurking aroundrepparttar 122738 edges of my desk, untilrepparttar 122739 day I rise up and give it away. Hire a local teenager, elderly person who wouldn't mind a little light work, a family member, or even a local odd-jobs person to come in one day and give you a hand with all or your 'hard stuff.' Ifrepparttar 122740 problem seems to be on-going, hire a Virtual Assistant, from one ofrepparttar 122741 on-line sources like This is a person you hire on an hourly basis, usually in some other part ofrepparttar 122742 country, who helps you electronically with all kinds of administrative needs. If you can't afford to find help, buddy up with a friend and offer to do each other's 'hard stuff' in an even swap.

*Plan a big, juicy reward. We're talking one you seriously want …andrepparttar 122743 nastierrepparttar 122744 task,repparttar 122745 biggerrepparttar 122746 reward. If you must, combine this with book-ending, to make sure you not only dorepparttar 122747 task, but reward yourself as well.

*Dare yourself to not do it. Really imagine life without this particular task completed. Then see whatrepparttar 122748 consequences are. Truly dire? If not, maybe you can actually droprepparttar 122749 hard thing from your to-do list. Onrepparttar 122750 other hand, will you be disappointed? Will things just not seem right somehow? Better use that image of disappointment to move your dream along.

*Jump in, first thing. We tend to be fresher, and less conflicted, stressed or distracted first thing inrepparttar 122751 morning (post-coffee, of course.) That'srepparttar 122752 best time to seriously seizerepparttar 122753 day and dorepparttar 122754 hard thing. Success manuals all preach doing it first, and they're right. It works.

Your Thoughts Are Powerful

Written by Gerri D Smith


Gerri D Smith Copyright 2005 Word Count 557

“You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, your intentions create your reality. Learn to act as ifrepparttar life you visualize were already here." -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

The only thing between you and your desire to be successful and wealthy is one single fact: You are not successful or wealthy because of how you think. This little known fact keeps many from reaching their goals of success and wealth.

Are you sabotaging yourself from reaching your goals? Do you find yourself spending lots of time doing things to change what you don’t like in your life? Most problems are caused byrepparttar 122730 way you think. If one thing doesn’t work, you may try something new, then something else, and still another something.

The trick to solving problems is to understand what is going on in your mind. Focus on your thoughts and become aware of how many of your thoughts hold you back or push you forward. Understanding your thoughts helps you answer any problems you may have, too. This leads you tol understand your dreams and goals.

All thoughts begin in your subconscious mind. Before they can be expressed in your physical world, you must know how to set them in motion. This in turn, produces a certain result. What then, isrepparttar 122731 ‘missing ingredient?’ How do you set your thoughts in motion?

There is no other way then this: you need to think differently. If your old ways of thinking aren’t working, you must learn a new way to think. And if you are to be, do, and have all that you wish for - success, wealth, health, positive relationships, you name it - you must learn to think in a different style that works. When you enhancerepparttar 122732 new understanding of your thoughts, there is nothing in your life that cannot be accomplished.

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