How to deal with your kids, in todays hard and fast paced changing world?

Written by Alexander Marlin

In todays world most people are so busy earning money that they have completely igmored what is to berepparttar future world leaders of our world.

The message I am sending today is world wide, and I would like for all to know what you as a parent can do to make raising your kids a pleasant and memorable journey for you and our future to be world leaders. The information contained in this article will work for all, single parent as well as married couples.

When one conceives a baby in today's world it is sent off after six to eight weeks to some daycare center to be raised byrepparttar 111367 daycare centers "workers". I know many of us wish we didn't have to do that, but if we have no choice who am I to condemn that. Just in case your wondering, your not alone inrepparttar 111368 world.

You are about to learn what it takes to make smiles out ofrepparttar 111369 most degrading moments in your life. My "MOMrepparttar 111370 old Queen", as I always called her used to say and I quote: "Son no matter how hard it gets, even when you want to toss them inrepparttar 111371 fire. please remember that they didn't ask to come into this world you brought them here".

With those words I am going to shed light onto many years of sorrow and bring smiles.

Let's start out with sibblings that are just babies, do you recall how cuddly and cute they were. Well, do you know that those big old lumps of problems that your faced with daily is and will always be that same cute and cudly baby, but in a full grown outfit. My Mama always said enjoy your kids and talk with them when they are young, because they grow up much faster than we think. If you can always just set your focus in your mind to that cute and cudly moment, it will always make you smile and you will be a lot easier on your kids.

Let's take when our babies start to progress andrepparttar 111372 first sounds echoe througrepparttar 111373 home. Next will berepparttar 111374 baby steps and then will berepparttar 111375 moments of truth,repparttar 111376 terible two and three year olds. Well just remeber that they are building their futuristic leaders capabilities.

Now when your two year old is just crying and you want to pick them up and toss them away, just think on my Mma words and say to yourself what can I do to make them ease down onrepparttar 111377 crying. They can't talk and it is frustrating to them as well. Just pick them up and start playing with their tummy and kissing them and in no time you will seerepparttar 111378 tears are all gone. I call thisrepparttar 111379 "TUMKIS".

Ten Ways to Prevent Obesity in Our Families

Written by Heidi Zator

Ten Ways to Prevent Obesity in Our Families © 2003 Heidi Zator

Children are our future and we as parents need to help them attain their highest potential. If we want to have a strong and healthy future.

Today's diet is high inrepparttar simple carbohydrates, sugar and fat. Soft drinks, cakes, candy,and junk food are constantly bombarding our families, it seems to be their daily diet.

Statistics show that heart disease is showing up at a younger age. Diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions, asthma is becoming a common occurance. People are beginning to look at these as normal. Well it is far from normal!

A major contributing factor in these diseases is obesity. So what is a parent to do:repparttar 111366 first thing we must to is to educate ourselves.

Here are 10 ways to Prevent Obesity

1/ Be an example Children learn from their parents,repparttar 111367 first thing you as a parent must do is to show your children that you are willing to change.

2/ Do a Kitchen Clean-up Get rid of all foods that have refined flour,or sugar in them and replace with whole foods such as whole grains, whole sugars for example raw sugar, honey, or stevia, and foods with as little chemical additives as possible

3/ Replace soft drinks, and highly sugared snacks, with healthy alternatives. Be creative. Limit sugar intake to 10% of your daily diet.

4/ Limit your dietary fat intake to less than 30% of your total calories, saturated fat should be less than 10%. Avoid all trans fatty acids, such as hydrogenated fats.

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