How to deal with mistakes

Written by Andre Plessis

This isrepparttar final Newsletter ofrepparttar 119969 year. I do hope you had a great year. Many of you probably wish things could have been better. May be you could have made better judgments in some occasion. I am sure that if you could seerepparttar 119970 future, you would have taken a different approach or decision.

I think it is important to realize that those little errors and misjudgments you had will help you grow and learned from them. The most important thing you need to realize is that it is almost impossible to succeed instantly in anything you undertake in life. In order to grow, we all need to learn. And you can only grow with experience and by making mistakes. When you make mistakes, (which you will inrepparttar 119971 course of your personal or business life), you analyze them, then you makerepparttar 119972 appropriate decisions to change what you did. Now you probably understand what I was saying above that it is almost impossible to grow without making mistakes and encountering obstacles. In order to grow you need to know what works and what doesn’t. As you learn from your mistakes, you rectify them and you can grow.

"I learned more fromrepparttar 119973 one restaurant that didn’t work than from allrepparttar 119974 ones that were successes."

– Wolfgang Puck, chef, restaurateur

The important thing is not to be upset but to see something positive in everything that happens to you. Rememberrepparttar 119975 proverb. Every cloud has a silver lining. Let me give you a prefect example. Atrepparttar 119976 end of my second year in business I realized that I would have done better if I had used U.S call centers instead of Indians call centers. I even consider that it had been a mistake. I asked my partner to find a U.S call center and she did through a B2B website. When I learned about such a service I thought it was so a great idea and I decided to launch a website that would offerrepparttar 119977 same service. WOW! This business is a great success and has brought my company GREAT REVENUES.

One important thing is to evaluate your situation regularly. Don’t wait tillrepparttar 119978 end ofrepparttar 119979 year to find out what you accomplished duringrepparttar 119980 year. If you do that atrepparttar 119981 end you are most likely to be unsatisfied with your yearly sales revenues.

I would suggest you to make an analysis either every week or every month. Try to set up some realistic goals and make a plan to reach your goals. By analyzing your situation periodically you are most likely to accomplish your goals rather than wait tillrepparttar 119982 end ofrepparttar 119983 year to see what you have done in regards to sales.

Americas 14th fastest growing city keeps its small community atmosphere with

Written by Matthew Hawkins

When you are Americas 14th fastest growing city, keepingrepparttar small town feeling can be hard. Spring Hill Tennessee, however, has done just that, and you can sneak a peek into this amazing city on Why is this town growing so quickly? Most agree thatrepparttar 119968 competitive housing prices and ideal middle Tennessee location blended with a historical heritage and some ofrepparttar 119969 best schools inrepparttar 119970 state all contribute torepparttar 119971 growth Spring Hill has experienced. plays an important role in keepingrepparttar 119972 community feeling alive. Spring Hill Biz offers new residents and those considering

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