Everyone has a hobby, special interest, or area of expertise. Ebay will provide a simple way for you to supply this information to people all over
world.This is truly
information age and people are scouring
Internet for more knowledge in their area of interest that they can attain instantly. You know things that other people do not. You are unique, and this article will show you in a simple way how to tap this knowledge and create a profit.
You do not need to be a writer or have any special skills to accomplish this. I have purchased and sold information products on eBay that were only 1 page in length, that were emailed to me minutes after
eBay auction had closed and sold for $19 or more.
If you have sent or received email you can create an information product you can easily sell on eBay.
For many people
last thing in
world they want to do is write a paper, but in reality you are doing this verbally several times a day
Writers Block here is how you overcome it! Use this simple technique
1. Purchase a low cost tape recorder at Radio Shack if you do not own one.
2. Tape yourself when you are talking to someone about your passion or area of expertise (do not talk to
tape recorder pretend it is not there.)
3. Play back your session, you will be amazed at how easily it is to pick out
key points of your expertise.