How to choose the right goals to focus on.

Written by Christos Varsamis

Sometimes setting goals alone is notrepparttar only problem that you must face. Sometimes, choosingrepparttar 122745 right goals to begin with is harder. Basically, you can choose to work any goal that you feel is necessary for your health, stability and happiness. Goal setting is nothing more than a formal process for personal planning. By setting goals on a routine basis you decide what you want to achieve, and then move in a step-by-step manner towardsrepparttar 122746 achievement of these goals. The process of setting goals and targets allows you to choose where you want to go in life. By knowing exactly what you want to achieve, you know what you have to concentrate on to do it. You also know what nothing more than a distraction is. Goal setting is a standard technique used by professional athletes, successful business people and high achievers in all fields. It gives you long term vision and provides you with short term motivation. It helps to focus your attention and knowledge which helps you to organize your resources. By setting sharp and clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride inrepparttar 122747 achievement of those goals. You can see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless effort.

Making decions.

Written by Fatimah Musa

You lost your job. Your partner left you. Your car was re-possessed. You find your life barren likerepparttar desert.

Your self-esteem plunged. You don’t think you are good enough for anything.

You will never find another job because you lackrepparttar 122744 education andrepparttar 122745 skills required. You are too old to try again. And who would want you now? The most "handsome, tall dark and charming man" has deserted you and you will never find another as charming as him.

These are common thoughts when you are met with adversity. At this point of your life you usually will not be able to see beyond what you are facing.

How can you think right when you are hungry? All you need is food to eat and a place to stay and call it a night. Your goal forrepparttar 122746 moment is to feed your stomach.

What can you do?

You can do something. All is not lost.

You can decide to tell yourself that "this too shall pass". You can decide that you will start all over again.

You can take any job forrepparttar 122747 moment to give you a paycheck. And from there work yourself up again.

Read inspirational and motivational books instead of wallowing in self-pity. Better than usingrepparttar 122748 time watching soap operas or reality shows. The books are available fromrepparttar 122749 library and you can read them for free.

If you think that there is no way to turn your life around-read "Man’s search for meaning" by Victor Frankl. It may help you look at your life at a different perspective. Or you can readrepparttar 122750 book by W Mitchell. You’ll be inspired.

Listen to motivational recording. If that isrepparttar 122751 only one you have...just keep listening to it.

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